Demon Math Teachers

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Okay, so math is not exactly a popular subject, but math teachers?! That's a different story.

I mean, I kinda like math. I'm pretty good at it, so why don't I like it? One answer. My math teachers. It almost seems like math makes teachers mean! I have only liked one of my math teachers and she wasn't even a permanent teacher! Like for real!

Almost all my math teachers could have been the same person. Most of them looked alike AND had similar teaching styles. But my third grade math teacher was the absolute worst.

She was soo rude! I'm not just saying that either. Even my mom thought she was rude. The worst part is she wouldn't even be talking about math!

I remember this one time...

I live in a really small town, so everyone knows everyone, at least at the school. So you have to tell the teachers if your moving, right? My mom always had wanted to move to Seattle so that's what we were going to do, but we ended up not moving because my mom got pregnant. (Just BTW, I live in Illinois) Anyways, I go up to my teacher the next morning, and tell her. Remind you, I'm in third freaking grade. So she says,"Your mom is just gonna pick you up and move like that?! That's terrible! And you know, it rains in Seattle. You should just stay here. Oh, and you'll be leaving before summer vacation! You still have missing work! (A complete lie BTW) You should have said something before today!"

And I'm like, 'What? Why do you care? And you're a liar! (Looking back I thought that, of course.)

Anyways, I'm all offended and stuff, so what do I do? I tell my mom. You know what she said?

"No, she didn't... Don't tell me she did... How many times now?" And then she did what any responsible parent would. She told me in these exact words, Tell her I said, "Don't talk to my daughter like that anymore because I will get you fired." Just in not as nice words.

So I was like,"With the bad words?"

And she was like," With the bad words.."

Of course, because I was an angel, and also incredibly smart, I found a way to rephrase that sentence when I said it to my teacher.

Now you guys are all like,' omg her mom is terrible... Blah, blah, blah...'

First off, she's usually pretty reasonable, but, think about it, I was like eight and my teacher is going on about how my mom is irresponsible. Again. Like really? How many times does my mom have to call the office before you shut up?!

Second, you're just mad that your mom didn't let you cuss out your math teacher.

Third, my mom is the best. Get over it.

But anyway, now it's your turn. What's your craziest math teacher shenanigans story? Put it in the comments, on my profile, or even PM me!

I have no life anyways, and it will be fun seeing the stuff my wattpad family gets into. Yea, you're my fam now. Honored? You should be! Only da best aren't disowned by Skittle~Sama!

XD....What is my life? Well, I'll see you guys on the stranger side! Peace!


(P.S. I once wrote an article about unicorns for my school newspaper, and it got published!)

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