The Goodbyes.

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     Morgan POV
"Mom I will be back before you know it, it will be like a week to you but forever for me" I tried to convince my mom that I will be okay, but I'm not sure if I will.
   My dad died when I was three so I never really got to talk to him or have good memories expect the pictures and the story my mom tells me.
   I'm going back to New York where I was born and raised when I turned seven we moved to a small town in Virginia wasn't fancy but it was okay.I guess.
  The whole way to the airport my mom is rumbling about how u shouldn't go, or it should be good so I can see old friends of mine. Sometimes the lady can't make up her mind.
  " Don't get into trouble!" my mom yells as I get my luggage out the blue Jeep Wrangler. " I won't mom! I'll be safe and careful. What do you think I am, a immature child?" my mom just gives me a glare and cocks her head. we both just laugh it off. " I will miss you!" My mom says hugging me so that I know that she will miss me. "you to mom now I'm gonna miss my flight"
"okay your right," she looks me dead in the eye and a year slowly runs down her face," your dad would be so proud of you if he could see you right now."
  yep, and here comes the not so strong  part of Morgan. Great. Just great thanks mom. As I walk in the airport I see so many people going in so many different directions but I knew where I had to go.... the luggage check. I walk through I'm perfectly fine then there is always a problem always my  flash drive is making the alarm go off. My flight boards in thirty minutes. ugh what a great way to start my journey.

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