Chapter 1

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Chapter One

It’s the night, HALLOWEEN! Also it can be called Zombie Night.  Chloe quickly got into her witches costume and ran out the door. It was already 5:30 and Elly and Emily had only just arrived and they couldn’t wait till they were off and out trick or treating. Chloe ran out into the cold and eerie night. Just as Chloe thought, Elly and Emily were waiting for her. “It’s a lot colder than I expected” Chloe said happily. “But I am so excited I don’t even care” Elly exclaimed, jittering away as usual. “What if there’s Zombie’s? I mean it must be called Zombie night for a reason.” Emily said shyly. “Oh come on! Of course there’s not gonna be any zombie’s I mean they don’t exist and it’s just called Zombie Night because they want to scare little kids and make them be all scared on Halloween.” Chloe said sighing. “You’re such a worry wart Emily,” Elly groaned. “Sorry, let’s just go I won’t wreck your night by worrying but if there are zombies then I definitely want you to know that I warned you and I will never go trick or treating again. Anyway if there aren’t any then you can go and tease me forever. Anyway let’s just go!” Emily replied stonily. “We haven’t even left yet and already your moods are sinking because of this fight. So let’s just go and eat some lollies while we go trick or treating. This is going to be so FUN!!!” Chloe said as she ran ahead of the others laughing.

“How many lollies do we have Chloe?” Emily asked no longer worried about vampires and zombies and all that stuff. “Heaps! The pillow case that we bought out is almost full!” Chloe said while laughing at a joke that Elly had just said. Slowly as the sound of laughter died down we looked at the supernatural house we were about to enter. The eerie silence made us all jump at the smallest sound. “Maybe we should just miss this house and keep on going to the next one.” Emily said, her voice small and squeaky like it always was when she was scared. “No we’ll be fine anyway what’s the worst that could happen?” Chloe said trying to act bravely but her quaky voice gave her away as it always did. “Chloe maybe we shouldn’t actually go in,” Elly said but she had always been a loud talker and always got in trouble for it at school. The old man inside the house had heard them and had come outside and invited them in to receive there lollies. He got them to wait in the hall and went out of the room to get the lollies. “We shouldn’t have come in here” Elly said. “Are you glad we came, Elly? Or do you wish that we had all stayed out of this creepy house.” Emily said annoyed. “Guys stop fighting” Chloe shouted, getting annoyed now. “Sorry Chloe it’s just we’re so worried and scared.” Emily said squeakily. “I’m sorry too” Elly said her voice louder than an elephant. “I’m scared” Chloe said. “Well you should be” said a gravelly voice behind them. They turned slowly and there stood a zombie with a bucket of lollies. He threw the bucket of lollies towards them and they were covered in lollies. Emily ate one and immediately fell to the floor with itchy red hives all over her. “EMILY!” Elly and Chloe bolted to her side and dragged her to the door, but it was locked. The zombie came racing towards them and they had to run cornered under the window. “We have to leave Emily” Chloe said. “Emily I promise we’ll be back for you” Elly said sadly and they jumped out the window. “I’ll be ready for you when you come back for your young friend. She’ll be stuck here forever.” Is the last thing they remembered before they woke up in hospital together!  “Emily” They both said at the same time, sitting bolt up right in bed.

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