Only You

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Author's Note:

AT LAST I HAVE RETURNED TO THIS PROMPT!!! AmarellysHenricus I am so sorry I didn't do this quicker!!! I legitimately could no come up with a proper story. Okay that's false, I had a plot idea that I couldn't express into words which lead to constant deleting, shredding, balling up paper and throwing at the garbage, turning into a mad scientist somehow doing experiments that did help me write at all! That is until Evan, Delirous, Tyler, Terrorizer and Nogla all uploaded videos but a video that led to possibly on of my most erotic stories ever written!!! And it was also inspired by a story I found on Archive of our own which was an erotica as well. I can't remember the top of my head what it was called but it was a Jack x Rhys story (Borderlands and Tales of the Borderlands stuff if you don't know or just don't care for that series that's fine. Just know Handsome Jack is my Video Game Senpai~) now on with the Pairing and Warnings!

Pairing: Tyler x Tsundere!Evan (Yes!!! OTP!!!)

Warning: there is sexual content in this one shot that some people may not care and just continue reading because we all know we're perverted fucks and we're proud, oh and mentions of Exhibitionism enjoy!


People have always asked me out, always believed that I was picture perfect. That I was a gem amongst mortals. But I really am just a normal guy that was very picky. Most of my friends even tried to ask me out. All but one. My first friend that actually didn't try to go after me as if I were just another pretty face. He saw me as a person... Why? Why didn't he ask me out like the others? Am I not good enough for him?! No, Evan what are you doing? Calm down maybe he realizes the difference between the both of you maybe he understands that he probably has no chance... Am I really that unapproachable? I've even tried to make it obvious but no too obvious that I want him ask me out. I mean it's not that I want him to or anything!... Right? I felt my phone vibrate pulling me out of my train of thought I felt my heart skip a beat. It was him.

"Hello?" I stated my cheeks already feeling warm.

"Yo, Evan I am with the guys right now and we have something to show you. Well I have something to show you. The guys already saw it."

"Okay fine, I see how it is show me last this surprise of yours!" I stated in annoyance as I heard a chuckle come from the other line.

"Haha, Aww is little Evan Jealous I didn't tell him first?" I felt my face turn full on red as I looked at the phone.

"OF COURSE NOT WHERE DID YOU GET SUCH AN IDEA?!" I shouted but what I was hoping for the tone was of anger. What came out was desperation and almost a plea. Why did it come out like that?! No I don't care about that idiot!! There was full hearted laughter blasting from the phone now.

"Awww, Evan your adorable, I saved best for last you know that." That statement alone made me relax and my hand chest flutter happily. Why didn't he say that in the beginning? He really is an idiot.

"O-oh... I suppose so... It's not like I wanted you to make me feel better..." I softly spoke, that was when I heard a group of people all awing in unison that's when I realised.

"DO YOU HAVE ME ON SPEAKER?! You idiot, Tyler!!!!" I hung up before he got a chance to say anything and I threw my phone on my bed and pulled myself into a ball on the corner of my bed. He was doing this on purpose! I don't understand why he does this to me! I finally got out of my ball and laid on my side on the bed I pulled my pillow towards my body it felt big around my arms. I wonder if Tyler would feel like this... my cheeks heated up again. I was pulled from my trance when my buzzer was rung. It must be Tyler and the others I stood up and walked to my buzzer and pressed the talking button.

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