Renora: I love you

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"Nora! Are you even studying?" Ren's voice took me away from what I was doing. Which wasn't studying, but lets just overlook that small detail.

I shut my notebook. "Yes, duh. What less would I be doing?" I lied to him. I was a real good lier. Much better than Ren and his last name is Lie for crying out loud!

He shook his head then stared at me with his amazing eyes. Have you ever seen someone with naturally pink eyes? I see them every day. They're wonderful.

The bell rung signaling the school day over. I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the library. I stopped to wait for Ren. What a slow poke!

Finally, after only ninety years, he caught up. He was reading my notebook! I jump at him but he dodged. I ended up hitting a wall.

I knew what I had to do now. I summoned all my might and began to fake cry. "Ren," I fake sniffed."why would you let me run into a wall? Your so mean to me."

I looked deep into his eyes and I could swear I saw his heart brake. He covered it with an eye roll. "Nora, I know when your lying." He extended his hand to me.

I took it. Changing my mood entirely I asked," You can even see through fake tears now?" He nodded. " That's so cool! Your like a human lie detector! How do you even to that?"

He smiled. Ha, I got him to smile! " I guess its just one of my ninja skills." He handed me my notebook.

Oh, thank glob. He only found my diagram of everyone's roles in my queendom. If he found what I wrote a little bit ago I would be in trouble.

In my queendom I was the queen,duh, Juane's the leader of my knights, and Ren's my ninja. Everyone who disobeys me gets their legs broke. If they're really bad I'll cut of their heads.

"Nice picture, but a ninja wouldn't be in a medieval kingdom." We began to walk out of the building. Yassssssss, school was over for the week! Only three more 'till its over for the year!

"Its not medieval, its..." I grabbed his face and brought it level with mine. Curse my height! "Its the future!"

He pulled away from me and stepped back. "What do you mean? Wait, never mind. I don't don't want to know."

"Your gonna need to know eventually. Your very important in my seven part plan." I smiled evilly. I jumped on a bench. " The world shall be mine!"

He smiled up at me. "Should I be terrified?" It took everything in me not to hug him. Instead I winked and said,"Maybe."

Then we did that thing when we just smile and look at each other. Ren's just too cute! Not that I like him like that! Why would you think that? Your silly! Ha. That's just so funny!

After a trillion years we were interrupted by the sound of something hitting the pavement. That something was Juane Arc.

Juane Arc is our other best friend. He used to be a total nerd, but now he's only a little nerdy. Actually he's a total badass, but we don't want him to have a big ego.

Over the curse of last year, Pyrrha Nikos help Jaune train to be one of the best feancers in the state. Also over the curse of last year they fell in love. But sadly, Pyrrha was a foreign exchange student and she went back to Greece last semester. Jaune has been heart broken ever since.

That's probably the reason why Carnal is able to beat him up now. "To bad that your girlfriend isn't here anymore to protect you now, loser!" Carnal grabbed Jaune by his shirt.

"I'm not gonna fight you, Carnal." Jaune told him.

"Your just staying that cuz your too chicken!" Ren and I exchanged glances. If it were one of us Carnal's face would be broken by now, but Jaune has morals. He could usually battle Carnal with the fencing sword, but that "wouldn't be fair fight".

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