Shadow: It's Finally Time

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I keep my walking pace at a fast clip as I head down the hallway, and find that my steps feel purposeful; more so than they have for 50 years. I revel in the fact that I have almost completed my promise to Maria. I can't believe I've come so far in such a short time... It's hasn't been two weeks since I woke up from stasis! Victory is so close, so amazingly close that almost nothing can stop me now. I shall not fail Maria, not this time! No, this time I will succeed. I have to; it's the only way I can avenge what--

My ears twitch, alerting me to a familiar voice as I walk. At first I don't care, but then I start to pay attention to what the person is saying. "R-I-A. Maria. Now, let's see just what comes up..."? Why would someone be spelling out Maria's name? And what does she mean, "what comes up"? What is going on in... Searching with my eyes, I see the door to the Eclipse Cannon is open. Something turns in my stomach, and I am getting a very peculiar feeling about who is operating the Cannon. I stand still for several moments, wrought with indecision. Then my brain brings me back as the voice spouts out another familiar word.

"Project: Shadow. The research project aimed at finding a cure for the fatal disease NIDS, and a government-funded weapons project. Successful in creating The Ultimate Lifeform, the two creatures that were created during the project were sealed off. Interesting story, and certainly worth a pretty gem or two. I've got almost all of the data, and once I download all of it... Then I'm free to take all of these beautiful jewels." I walk up to the doorframe, keeping my steps silent, and look with contempt at the bat inside. Rouge is listening to a person on a different communicator than the Doctor gave us. I hear a few of the words from the device; something about analyzing data. Rouge starts talking into it while I stroll up to her, casually not making a sound.

"I've got it all, and it looks like there's plenty of it. Even Eggman doesn't know everything about this one." The voice replies enthusiastically, and inquires as to whether or not she has the Chaos Emeralds, but Rouge, having finally turned around, is so occupied with looking in shock at me that she forgets to pay attention. She drops the boxy, handheld device, and I reach out with a foot and viciously crush it.

"I would leave those Emeralds alone if I were you," I growl, and Rouge frowns in what appears to be nervousness. "But then, you are experienced enough to handle risks, aren't you, Agent Rouge?"

"Oh, so I'm not the only one who's been spying? And to get up in a ladies business like that. Aren't you the naughty little boy?" Rouge smirks, and she seems remarkably in control. Ignoring her jest, I stay on topic.

"You've been a government spy all this time, and you think I needed to spy on you to figure that out?" I say, the incredulous tone in my voice one I don't have to fake. "I can't tell if that's more a compliment to yourself or an insult to me, but you're wrong either way. I knew something was up the moment you appeared on the ARK."

"Well, I've certainly earned a few compliments myself. If you truly are the Ultimate Lifeform, then why is this picture of 'Shadow' not showing you?" Rouge holds up a paper, and a picture of a large, mechanically augmented lizard is on it. Not entirely sure why I have the information, I know what the creature is.

"That," I scowl, "was the prototype of the project that created me, the Biolizard. I was the final creation made during Project: Shadow. If you'd done more thorough snooping, you would know that, Rouge."

"Oh? Then why does this pile of research call it Shadow?" She asks, waving the paper around to demonstrate. "Why not refer to it as the Biolizard? According to this paper*, it was a creature that needed a life support system. Prototypes were made to try and find one that was the most effective. Besides that, it couldn't even walk by itself, nor think with any recognizable ability. I doubt Professor Gerald could have gone from a creature so needy and imperfect to something as sophisticated as you."

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