shall we date?

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that is Toki as chap he will be his self.
*let's just pretend she animated*
*I don't own pic and that is NOT me*👌


This is drive me crazy. Ever time I speak to toki, katsu's words play in my head. I don't no why but I listened to them. Our conversations were short and I was alway the one to end them.

Toki and I were get read for the big night. The night of the play. I stood in front of my mirror going over my lines in my head.

I heard a knock at the door. It was toki. He plays my sister and closest friend in the play. "Hey taka; you ready!"

I offer him a smile back. "Yeah I'll be right there." He say OK then heads towards the stage. I sigh and check my make-up one more time. "All right let's get this over with.


"Let's never be apart over a man again." Says toki while hugging me.

"Never again; my dear sister" cheers come from the crowd . they throw roses as we bow.

I was crushed in a hug. "Hotaka we're a hit!" Toki stats.

"Yeah I even suprised my self tbh." I start laughing at my comment. I stop when I noticed I was laughing alone. Toki was looking at my aw. "Um, what?" He played it off with a giggle. "Toki; I'm Serious." I demand getting mad. He been doing this all week.

He looks at me seriously for a second before smiling. "Your to cute." Cute?

"Hotaka!!" I was brought out of my shock by a voice from the crowd. It was kin. "We're celebrating at the tea house bring your friend!" Hes drunk already. Wait friend? I look over at toki who was beaming at me. Oh no.


All the vig. were here pulse toki. Everone was drunk as well. Soji was knocked out on the floor. Natsumi was swaying. While wakasa studying the sake.

"Aww, kin I told,hiccup, I told you we shouldn't let the.... The kids sit at the grownups table." Aoi say causing them both to laugh.

"Shut up , hiccup, you.... Yooooou," natsumi gulps the last little bit of the sake and fall over. "Ass...hole." Were the last words he mummbled be for passed out.

I on the other hand couldn't get drunk enough. Toki was clinging to my arm. Ever once in a while I would get a winck from the guys.

All of a sudden I was peeked out the cheek. I immediately push tokie away and wipped my face.

"Hotaka what's wrong with you!" Ask wakasa finally looking up.

"Well if-"

"Yeah that fine woman wants your attention." Kin chims in. Toki giggle.

" actually-"

"Hotaka if you don't have her I will." Aoi winks. Toki bust out laughing.

"Well that's all find aoi, you can have him." Ever body in the room went silent. They all look socked aoi disgusted.

"Well now that I got your attention." Toki says. " I have a question." He cups my cheeks. "Hotaka, shall" OK I think I heard gasp from even the two passed out.

She was dead serious so I said................. "Yes"

Hotaka And Tha Role model  (Shall We Date?)Where stories live. Discover now