PART 3: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"So how was the sex?" Mona asked, by now we were around an hour into the drive. Bey blushed brightly before looking at the two of us and sighing. 

"To be honest I regret doing it. I mean, we had just been arguing, yelling at each other and that was the moment I chose to loose my virginity. Then I wake up and look at him and I know I can't stay with him so I break up with him. It's not exactly the most romantic story is it" Mona and I laughed hard before hugging her quickly and then sitting back, 

"Despite all the tragedy you drama queen" I pointed out, she cut her eyes at me and began laughing. 

"Y'all it was really good" She looked at us as we all laughed and she continued, "I mean, damn that shit feel nice. At first it hurt a little but It eased up, probably because foreplay was on point  but dayum. It's like nothing I've ever done before, It just fells so nice. And that orgasm!" We all laughed hard and continued with our journey to help our friend find herself. I hope she stays in this mood the whole weekend. 

Shawn POV:

I sat at my kitchen island highlighting some notes although that wasn't really getting any of the information into my head at all. I couldn't actually think straight at all. 

"Shawn" Zay walked into the kitchen and sat opposite me at the island with a bowl of cereal in his hands and a concerned look on his face. "Look, I'm not gonna tell you all that rubbish about she's just a girl and all that because I know you don't want to hear it. All I'm gonna say, is if you want her back don't expect her to just walk through the door. You have to look at the reason you split up and make some changes, then go and get her and prove to her that you're worth her love and she couldn't possibly be with anyone else. That's what you gotta do, you're not going to get anything out of sitting here moping around. That's bullshit and you know it" I looked up at him and he shrugged before shoving some food into his mouth. I felt my blood boiling inside me as I thought about what he said. Did he not know that I knew she wouldn't just walk through the door? That I've been thinking 'bout it? I'm not a fucking idiot. I looked at him eating so casually as if I hadn't just lost my girlfriend and then smacked his bowl out from beneath him so it hit the floor and he looked at me with angry eyes. "What the fuck? Why are you acting like a dick? I was just trying to help, you know what Ima just shut my ass up because clearly you're out of your mind. God she's been gone for like one day and you're acting like she's dead. Stop the bullshit Shawn, just because you're angry don't take it out on me" He stood up and I stood up behind him feeling bad and I called after him as he walked away,

"Zay!" I yelled, "Man I'm sorry!" I called after him but he didn't turn to look at me. I looked down at the mess I had made and cleaned it up before walking into my room and looking at me desk. 

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What was the point in having those photos on my desk anymore? I did try to get rid of then yesterday but every time I went to throw it in the bed I just looked at them and smiled; something would tell me that I can't throw them away so I guessed I...

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What was the point in having those photos on my desk anymore? I did try to get rid of then yesterday but every time I went to throw it in the bed I just looked at them and smiled; something would tell me that I can't throw them away so I guessed I was keeping them even if I couldn't keep her. 

"Would you want Shontelle to be your wife? to be the mother of your children?" She asked leaning forward.

"Of course not ma" I said smiling at her.

"See that's where your messing up, you and I both know that the likeliness of you meeting someone in high school and growing old with them and having children is not gonna happen. It might, you never know but your thinking about her in the here and now, your thinking about her just being your girlfriend for now. When your with someone you shouldn't be with them and expect to brake up, you should be with them because you believe in your heart, however unlikely it may be: You should believe in all of your heart that this is the person I want to marry. This is the person I want to be the mother of my children, the girl I want to take home and the girl who will mean as much to me as my mother and my little sister. The girl I would die for" Passion fell out of her voice as she spoke to me clearly.

-Thank you for reading. I really appreciate all the comments on the previous chapters! That's really cool of you guys to comment so much. Obviously this chapter isn't as eventful as the previous but please do comment. I loved the comments from people like: jayonceomeeka KylaKnowlesCarter JiggasLips and of course everyone else who commented those were just people who were blowing up my notifications lol. Thanks again guys! 

1) Scott?

2) Do you think Bey's gonna be okay?

3) Xavier?

4) Shawn?

6) Any comments 

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