The Hogwarts Express

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Hi so this is my first crossover story. I do not own anything, but the characters that I create.

Three sisters, Emerald, Ava, and Adella arrive on platform nine and three quarters an hour early. They climb onto the Hogwarts Express and find a compartment in the back of the train. They open the door to find a boy and two girls with light brown hair, reading a book. The boy and two girls look up when the door opens. Emerald smiles and sits down next to the boy. Ava and Adella sit across from Emerald and the boy. Emerald looks at them.

Emerald says, " Hi my name is Emerald Greyback and I am older than Ava by five minutes and older than Adella by ten minutes."

Ava says," Hi I'm Ava Greyback and I am older than Adella by five minutes."

Adella says," Hi I'm Adella the youngest Greyback triplet."

One of the girls smile and holds out her hand," My name is Courtney Lupin, oldest triplet."

Ava, Adella, and Emerald shake her hand.

The other girl smiles and holds out her hand," My name is Casey, second oldest triplet."

Ava, Adella, and Emerald shake her hand.

The boy smiles and holds out his hand," My name is Remus Lupin, the baby triplet."

Ava and Adella shake his hand and Emerald hugs him.

There is a loud knocking on the window of the compartment. Adella looks at out the window.

"It's Mom, Fenrir Jr, Apollo, Aiden, Aunt Pagie, Aunt Piper, Uncle Leo, and Cole," says Adella.

Emerald growls," Why is Cole here, he is evil."

Ava shrugs, then gets up and drags her sisters, Courtney, Casey, and Remus out of the compartment and wards and locks the door. They all walk off the train and head over to the girls' family members. Before they can get halfway to them, Emerald has her arms full of a hyper one year old, named Fenrir Jr. Ava has her arms full of another one year old, named Apollo and Adella has her arms full of another one year old named Aiden. The girls smile and continue to walk towards their family. As soon as they get over to them, they are pulled into a hug by their Aunt Piper. When they pull out of the hug, they introduce Remus, Courtney, and Casey to their family. They all talk for a couple minutes and then Emerald, Ava, Adella, Courtney, Casey, and Remus get back on the train. They go into their compartment and a few minutes later the train pulls out of the station. Three minutes into the ride the compartment door opens and four boys come in. One of them is small and plump. One of them has hazel eyes and glasses. The other two look identical with black shaggy hair and grey eyes. The three boys wink at Emerald, Ava, Adella, Courtney, and Casey and smile at Remus while the plump boy just smiles at them.

One of the identical boys asks," Can we sit here, there is nowhere else?"

Emerald, Ava, and Adella have a silent conversation and so do Courtney, Casey, and Remus. After two minutes, all six of them look up and nod. The four boys come in and sit down. One of the identical boys sits next to Emerald and the other three boys sit on the floor.

The boy next to Emerald holds out his hand and says," Black, Sirius Black, oldest of my siblings, I have a younger brother who starts next year."

Ava, Adella, Courtney, and Casey shake his hand and Emerald and Remus hug him.

The boy identical to Sirius holds out his hand and says," Phoenix Black, Sirius' twin brother and you can tell us apart by our hair. My hair goes just past my shoulders and Sirius' stops just above his shoulders.

Emerald, Ava, Adella, Courtney, Casey, and Remus shake his hand.

The boy with glasses holds out his hand and says," Potter, James Potter, only child."

Emerald, Ava, Adella, Courtney, Casey, and Remus shake his hand.

The plump boy holds out his hand and says," Peter Pettigrew, I like candy."

Emerald, Ava, Adella, Courtney, Casey, and Remus shake his hand.

Emerald holds out her hand and says, " Emerald Greyback, oldest Greyback triplet."

Phoenix, Peter, and James shake her hand and Sirius hugs her.

Ava holds out her hand and says," Ava Greyback, second oldest Greyback triplet."

Phoenix, Peter, Sirius, and James shake her hand.

Adella holds out her hand and says," Adella Greyback, baby Greyback triplet."

Phoenix, Peter, Sirius, and James shake her hand.

Courtney holds out her hand and says, "Courtney Lupin, oldest Lupin triplet."

Phoenix, Peter, Sirius, and James shake her hand.

Casey holds out her hand and says," Casey Lupin, second oldest Lupin triplet."

Phoenix, Peter, Sirius, and James shake her hand.

Remus holds out his hand and says," Remus Lupin, baby Lupin triplet."

Phoenix, Peter, and James shake his hand and Sirius hugs him. They start talking about random things and joking around. After ten minutes, Emerald falls asleep with her head in Remus' lap and her feet in Sirius' lap. Remus falls asleep playing with Sirius' hair and continues to play with it in his sleep. Adella falls asleep with her head on Ava's shoulder and Adella falls asleep with her head on Ava's head. Sirius, Phoenix, and James talk while Peter eats candy. When they arrive at Hogsmeade train station, Sirius wakes up Remus and Emerald while James wakes up Ava and Adella. Once the four of them are awake, Sirius, Emerald, Remus, Ava, Adella, Courtney, Casey, Peter, Phoenix, and James walk off the train and over to Hagrid. They walk to the boats. Sirius, Remus, and Emerald share a boat with a boy named Severus Snape. James, Phoenix, Courtney, and Casey share a boat. Ava, Adella, and Peter share a boat with a girl named Lily Evans. They all sail across the Blake Lake and up to Hogwarts. Once they get to the dock, they all get out and walk up to the castle. They listen to Professor McGonagall talk and then walk into the hall to be sorted.

OK hope you guys liked it. The next chapter will be the sorting. I have a few questions for you. here they are:

Why did Emerald hug Remus and Sirius?

Why did Remus hug Sirius?

Why did Sirius hug Emerald and Remus?

Ok that's all for now. Love you guys. Love Lily.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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