Water Sports

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Why do I not like inner-tubing, paddle boarding, surfing, or any other water sport? Here is your answer.

First of all, I have never done any other water sport except inner-tubing. (Does kayaking count? I've done that).
To begin with, I was about five or six when I decided I wanted to try inner-tubing because my aunt's parents own a house next to a lake and my uncle has a boat there. My cousin has done it many times before (And she was like 2 years younger than me) so I got the guts too try it. Although, not too many guts since I forced my Mom to do it with me. I got all ready and in position holding on to my Mom's hand and the inner-tube (so tight that my knuckles turned white). My uncle started the boat and we started slow then got faster and faster and fast and faster and faster and faster until we hit a wave making me slip and slide all over the place. I screamed and ALMOST FELL OFF!!! Thank god my Mom was there to grab my arm and pull me back into position. I WAS SO SCARED AND SHAKY AFTER THAT! Also, a more recent time (I think last year?) I got sea sick and almost regurgitated on the inner-tube with my cousin. Now, I'm so scared of doing any water sport because I'm afraid I will fall off. So when my friend said yesterday, "We can probably go paddle boarding tomorrow and I can teach you." I got anxious and tried to come up with a reason not to without saying I was scared. I think it worked? Well, if it didn't, wish me luck...

~ JJ

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