30 3 7

I woke up as a loud 'no' escaped my lips. My palms were clammy and my breathing uneven. The familiar sight of chipped paint on my ceiling reminded me where I was. And why I was alone.

'I warned you.'


The nightmares had become more frequent by the years and left me with a chaotic mind. Especially when he was in them.


He promised me. He promised that we will have our happily ever after. But that woman destroyed everything. Knowing that she had a solution to all my problems enraged me to the point of pulling out my hair so I closed my eyes, trying to calm the storm in my brain.

Calm down Aurora, she wants you to feel that way. Don't give in to her.

Oh yeah? How do you suggest I do that.


No cheeky reply this time, huh?

A few months ago, I had received a message. At first I thought it was Cinderella or some other 'happy' princess, trying to get back in touch but it was from Cruella, claiming that the byotch in question was trying to escape from the dungeons.

I seriously doubted the validity of that statement. Although one of the most powerful of all witches, she couldn't escape that easily.

My eyes shot open.

That's it. She was one of the most powerful witches, not the most. I rushed over to my handbag lying discarded on the coffee table and searched through it frantically, afraid that I will forget this brilliant thought that took millennia to arrive.

Finally I found the compact mirror and fired in up, speaking the not so secret code.

"Mirror mirror on the wall."

Everything was silent at first but then, a heard a yawn and a familiar voice.

"Babe, you'd better have a good reason to wake me up at this hour," she drawled.

"Trust me on this Britt, I do."


Note from Aurora: Can you frigging believe this woman? Late in updating her second chapter and such a crappy one at that. I swear I would have whacked her but that would be animal abuse sooo... She's unharmed for now.

Hello my lovely Lunatics. I know I promised a double update on Sunday but my laptop crashed and I am having trouble accessing my files (yes I have completed the story) and that's why this was late. But anyways, I swear to God that I will positively publish another chapter from this as well as TWO chapters of Shut The Nerd Up tomorrow.

*holds out pinky*

Pinky promise.


PS: These notes from Aurora will be the feedback from my friend Skylar ( glittergold_17 ) who is totally crazy but badaśś af and what I think her reaction will be.

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