I'm Ready!

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Dick woke up in his bed snuggling his stuffed elephant. He quickly jumped out of bed and pulled out a draw in his dresser. In side was a makeshift Robin costume. With a red Underarmour shirt with 2 crooked yellow rectangle paper stabled on with a printed out Robin R logo, green shorts cut really shot, green connivers, paper mask, green winter gloves, a yellow belt, and a yellow blanket.
He put on the costume, tied the blank around his neck and buckled the belt. He ran down the hall letting the yellow blanket flap around everywhere. He ran past Jason's room when he noticed Jason was still in bed. Asleep. Dick ran in his room and jumped on his sleeping brother.
"Rawr!" He said.
"WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE!!!!!" Jason said sitting up quickly when he noticed Dick. "Oh it's just you... GET OFF!!!" He said as he shoved Dick off.
"Owie!" Dick said rubbing his bum. Jason smirked. The he looked at Dick and saw what he was wearing then laughed.
"What is that!" He laughed.
"It's my Robin costume! So I can go on patrol with you tonight!" Dick said getting up and showing off his costume.
"I made it myself!" Dick Bragged. Jason laughed some more, but then he started sniffing something.
"I smell food." Jason said. And right on queue Tim came to the door with his phone in his face.
"Breakfast is ready." He said not looking away from his phone.
"What are you doing on your phone?" Dick asked out of curiosity. He stood up on his tippy toes and tried getting to his brother's hight.
"Nothing," Tim said, but Dick knew it was a lie because his fingers where moving.
"Who ya talking to?" Dick asked.
"No one." Tim said quickly, but then he started blushing. Dick giggled.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm hungry!" Jason said pushing Tim out of the doorway and straight to the kitchen table.
"Wait for me JJ!" Dick said running to the kitchen table.
"Master Dick, no running! Remember yesterday." Alfred remind Dick.
"Oh yeah!" Dick said slowing down. Dick sat down when he noticed Damian.
"Look Damian! Do you like my costume?" Dick said showing off again.
"Did you make that yourself?" Bruce said coming up behind Dick.
"Uh huh!" Dick said happily. "I'm going to be Robin someday!" He said with confidence.
"Well you can't right now! Cause I'm Robin! You got that!" Jason said with a little anger.
"Jason chill." Bruce said sitting down. "Oh by the way I have to go on a business trip for a week. So I'll need you three on patrol Together!" Bruce told everyone.
"What about me!" Dick asked.
"I told you Dick. Your not old enough!" Bruce told Dick.
"When will I be old enough!" Dick said with sadness in his voice.
"When your bigger!" Bruce answered. Dick crossed his arms and pouted.
"Now don't start pouting on me! I'm only doing this to protect you!" Bruce said. Dick uncrossed his arms and walked to the living room and sat on the couch.
An hour passed and Bruce was ready to leave.
"And remember what I said." Bruce told Damian and Alfred. He started walking closer to the door when he saw Dick still I'm the same spot.
"And you better stop pouting when I get back." Bruce informed. Dick turned around and just glared at Bruce. After Bruce finally left Dick kept mumbling the same lines.
"When your bigger. Huh! How am I suppose to know what that means! Does he mean I have to be as old as Jason! He's like 15!" Dick said as he started counting on his fingers. "That's 6 years away! There's no way I can wait that long!" Dick exclaimed. Dick then went to the BatCave and started playing in the computer.
"See I'm smart enough! I can hack into the BatComputer!" Dick said with confidence. As he only just typed the password in 'MyUnicornPooped1'.
(My school's wifi password is worse)
Dick flipped through the files of almost every villain in Gotham.
'Looks like the Joker escaped again!' Dick thought joyfully.
"Maybe if I sneak into the BatMobile and when they finally go on Patrol I'll be there! And tey'll just have to take me with them! The just have to!" Dick said out loud.
"IIIII'M REEEADY!!!!" He yelled.
"Ready for what?" Damian asked coming up behind Dick.
"I was playing a game on here!" Dick said.
"You know Father doesn't like us on his Computer." Damian said turning off the computer.
"Yeah. I forgot! Wanna go feed the bats with me!" Dick asked.
"But that tak.... Sure!" Damian sorta agreed and helped Dick feed the all the bats in the cave.

How was this chapter? Hehehehehehehe! Anyways byeeee! :D

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