"And what will you do?" She asked as I started to braid her hair again, placing the flowers between random strands. Smiling, I placed a vine lilly into the strand by her left ear. "After the Silver Moon is high in the sky tonight, you will no longer be the chief." Taking a breath, I thought on that a few moments, an image of a face that held crystal eyes smiling at me.

        "Do not worry for me. Worry of what has to be done tonight." I returned, feeling the air shift once again. Tonight, he would die. After nine cycles of living with hundreds of lives on his shoulders, Maketis would give our ancestors justice. "Now, once I am finished with the paint, you will need to decide if you will take a life mate." She smiled at that, her cheeks slowly turning into a soft pink, reminding me of clouds during a sunset. Leaning over to where I could see her, I rose a brow in curiosity. "You have peeked my interest now."

       Looking down at her hands, I could see her long lashes fanning across her blushing cheeks, a small smile growing on her lips.

         "I have chosen..." She said as she looked over her shoulder at me. I blinked a few times, curious to know who it was that had won her heart. "And I believe that he has chosen me in return." I continued to weave the strands, placing the vine lilies in her hair, hearing the pounding of her heartbeat matching that of my own. Crystal eyes were looking at me in my mind, and I knew that the distance between us had been far too much for us over the cycles. The only thing that had kept me from going ill in the mind was the letter that I had read countless times.

         "And how do you know that he is the one for you?" I asked, getting close to the end of her hair.

        "It's this feeling of joy that flows over me whenever we are together. We don't need to speak or touch, but being around the other is enough. Not a day goes by that I cannot speak with him, and I go out of my way to make sure that I see him. I do not feel complete unless we are together." Nodding my head, I finished the braid, standing up. Looking up at me, she rose a brow in concern. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head, smiling.

        "Don't ever let that feeling go." I simply stated, only to go over to my chest, grabbing the letter, and leaving my tent.

         When I was in the safety of the trees, away from the bustle of the tribe, I unfolded the parchment, looking down at the perfectly cursive writing. Smiling, I ran my thumb over the slightly smudged, dried ink. The slight scent of salt and musk wafted from the page, and I closed my eyes for a few moments, wishing to be back home.


            Little Warrior,

                   Tonight I write this letter in silence, waiting for you to find me, yell at me, or enrage me in some way. My days are never dull since you have come into the kingdom. My nights are filled with sweet dreams of you and I, and I find myself smiling constantly. It is you that has placed this smile on my lips, and there will never be a day that goes by that I do not thank the gods for you. Each day is brighter, and the world is more vibrant in color. I only wish that some day you will understand the love that I have for you, and pray that you will someday return it.

               In our short time together, I have come to appreciate the world in a different light. Our worlds are different, and I have grown to become grateful for the small things in life. I see the beauty of spring now, appreciate the sweetness of honey, and see the light in the darkness. You have changed my world for the better.

             As a King, I am forced to make judgments that I never thought I could fulfil. You push me to be the best man and King that I can possibly be. And someday, I wish to be the best husband and lover to you. I will give you the world, but first I must tell you that I have given you my heart. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I cannot live this life, nor the next. You are my world now, and I will treasure you for the rest of our lives.

The King's Possession -- Book Two: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now