Chàpter 1

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People say we shouldn't be together....
Were too young to know about forever...
But I say that they don't know what there talk, talk, talking about....

I  roll over to the sound of my phone ringing and groan.   "What?" I snap into the phone.  "Hey." I instantly recognize the voice.  "Are you dying?" "No but-" I hang up before  letting the annoying voice Finish.  Its not that I don't like Mark, he's one of my best friends but I'm not a morning person.  I finally drift off to sleep when I hear my phone vibrating on my bed.  I sit up and grab my phone, seeing that I have 2 messages from Grace.  My eyes widen when I realize its 10:00. I have 5 minutes until Grace is supposed to pick me up. I jump up and put on my favorite baby blue dress.  When I'm finally ready, I hear a knock on my door.  I grab my wallet and rush out the door.   "You actually got up Audrey I'm proud of you." Grace teases.  "Haha funny" I roll my eyes as I press the down button on the elevator.   "So what are we doing today?" I curiously ask when we reach the bottom floor.  With Grace you never know.  "We my good friend, are going to find you a man."

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