"How are you?' He looks like he actually cares. I feel my fangs start to shoot out and he grabs my hand and pulls me to our room. He shuts the door and locks it. "You really shouldn't go this long without feeding. Things could get dangerous."

"Well I ate earlier, but someone drank some of my blood. Remember Mr. Thirsty?" He looks down. "Just give me some blood and I'll be fine for now." He gives me a blood bag and I drink it fast. "You ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. It's our first slumber party. I hope we don't suck at this."

"Did you see Abigail? She's so adorable, but how old is she? She can't be too old could she?"

"She's actually 16. I asked her because I wondered that too. Let's get out there. Did you hear what game Sammy wanted to play?"

"Yeah I read it. She wants to play truth or dare, with a twist. I know what truth or dare is, I'm nervous about the twist." He grabs my hand and starts walking us downstairs. I try to pull away and he grabs on tighter. "Let go."

"Nope. I love you too much babe. Plus, we're supposed to show off how much we love each other." I roll my eyes and stop trying to pull away. "Good girl. Now let's go. They're all waiting on us."

We walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen where everyone is waiting. "Jesus! You're married, you don't need to jump each other's bones every five minutes!" Max just has to say something embarressing.

"Max, exactly! They're married! They can do it whenever they want! So if she wants to get it in her hole, she can!"

"Sammy bite me! I'm hungry, let's eat so we can play whatever game your twisted mind thinks up.

They devour three pizza, 'they' excluding me.  "Anna, I thought you were hungry? Why didn't you eat?" She just had to say something didn't she.

"I already ate. So do you guys want to watch a movie or play a game first?"

"Mmhmm...sure you did. I think we should play truth or dare!" Tanner and Max groan and Abigail just shrugs her shoulders and smiles. "Good, it's settled. Now show us to your living room so we can get comfy and play!" She claps her hands and I'm starting to get a little worried.

"Should Samuel and I be nervous?"

Tanner and Max look at each other then look at me and answer at the same time, "YES!"

"God, no need to yell. I"m not deaf!" They laugh and Samuel and I lead everyone to our family room, where there is a large loveseat, two recliners and a long couch.

Sammy and Tanner make a beeline towards the loveseat while Max and Abigail each take a recliner. Samuel goes and lays down on the couch, taking up all the room. "Can you please move, hun?" He smirks, grabs my hand and pulls me on top of him so I'm laying on him. I don't want to move from this position, I realize. I lay my head down and rest my right hand on his chest, staring at everyone. Samuel settles his chin above my head. "Okay, Sammy. Start the game."

Sammy gets all excited and gets something out of her pocket. It's hard to concentrate with Samuel tracing circles on my back, just above my jeans. "I brought a die. There is six sides and six of us so I figured we would all have a side. I'll take one, Tanner two, Max three, Abby four, Annabelle five, and Sam six. I'll go first and roll. Who's ever number I pick has to choose, truth or dare. Ready?" We all nod and watch as she rolls the die onto our coffee table. It lands on five, on me. "Hmmm, truth or dare?" I look at Samuel and he just shrugs.


"Next time you're chosen though, you have to do dare." I nod, and wait for her to ask. "How did you and Samuel meet?"

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