"G-g-goodnight c-cam," he whispered.

The light from the hallway was still on and since the door was still open it let a little bit of light inside so I could still see him. He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Night Justin," I whispered as I placed a kiss on his forehead.

: :

I woke up early the next morning to I start packing up my bathroom utilities. After I had packed up I placed my bag near the door and as I walked back to Justin's room I saw him walking towards me.

"Ready for breakfast?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

"Teeth first," I said.

He brushed his teeth and walked back to the kitchen with me.

"Cereal?" I asked.

He quickly nodded and I showed him two boxes: fruitloops and lucky charms. He ended up picking lucky charms.

"When I was in college I always are lucky charms but I would pick out the marshmallows and only eat those," I said.

He laughed, "Th-th-they're the b-best."

I smiled, "It seems like everyday you just keep on talking more and more. It's great."

He looked down at his bowl and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. We were sitting next to each other and everytime I looked up at him it felt like we were only centimeters away. His eyes stared at my lips and I knew what he wanted. I bet he's never gotten his first kiss.

As I felt myself getting closer I pulled away trying not to get caught up in the moment. "Your mom is probably going to be here any moment," I said.

He looked down at his hands in his lap as he calmly rockled back and forth.

"You done?" I asked.

He slowly nodded.

I picked up his bowl taking it with me to the sink so I could wash it. I walked back with him to his room where he pulled a puzzle out from under his bed and started trying to put it together. It was 500 pieces and he was starting from scratch.

I sat on his bed watching. Fifteen minutes later Pattie was opening the from door. From the time that we came into the room to the time that Pattie opened the front door, Justin had gotten more than half of the puzzle done.

I slowly got up and walked over to the front door to see Pattie struggling to get her luggage inside. It seemed like she came with more than she actually left with.

"Hi Camila," she said.

"Hi Pattie. Need some help?" I asked.

"Could you lock my car? I left it unlocked the keys are in my pocket," she said.

"Sure," I said. I took the keys from her pocket and walked outside to lock her car. I walked back inside and placed her keys on the counter.

"How'd it go? How was he? I hope he wasn't too much trouble," she said.

"He was great, no trouble at all," I said.

"Good, is he in his room?" She said throwing everything off to the side.

"Yeah," I said.

She walked over to the room and I could hear an excited Justin greeting her. After a couple of minutes she came back out.

"Okay so," she looked through her purse before pulling an envelope out and handing it to me, "here's what I owe you."

"Thank you," I said looking into the envelope, "isn't this a lot?"

"It's what I pay the usual nurse plus a little more for doing overnight," she said.

"Well thank you," I said.

"No thank you for taking care of him. Do you want to say goodbye to him?" She asked.

"Sure," I said walking back to his room. I stood by the door watching him until he noticed me.

"Hi," he said, "m-m-mommy's back."

"Yeah, I can tell you're really happy," I said. He nodded as I walked closer to him sitting on the edge of his bed, "Well I have to go. But I'll see you around okay?"

"Y-you ha-have to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, because now you don't need me to take care of you since your mom is back," I explained.

"Don't go," he said sitting up and wrapping his arms around me, embracing me in a warm hug

"Aww I know but hey, I'll see you soon, we'll still see each other around," I said as I rubbed his back.

"O-okay," he said letting go.

"Take care of yourself okay?"


I kissed his cheek as I got up and walked out. I passed by Pattie, "Your son is amazing."

"Thank you," she said giving me a smile, "we're the plans easy to follow?"

"Yup, it was easy peasy," I said.

"Okay, thank you so much once again," she said giving me a hug.

"Anytime," I said.

I picked up my bag and left. Once I unlocked my car I threw my bag in the bag before getting in the driver's seat and driving away. I was excited to see my Xavier more than anything.

As soon as I got home I called out for him. Maybe he was at work already but he doesn't work on a fixed schedule so maybe he was still home.

"Cammy?" He asked coming out from the laundry room.

"Xavier!" I yelled running up to him and jumping on him.

"I missed you baby," he said as he pressed his lips against mine.

"So did I!" I said attacking him with kisses.

He carried me towards the couch and I instantly knew where this was going. He placed me down as his hands crept down to the bottom of my shirt before slowly pulling it up.

: :

I was having lunch with my best friend Lauren today and she wasn't very fond of the idea of getting married to Xavier. From day one she tried pointing out his flaws, most would say she was trying to break us up but to me, she just didn't think that I should get married as such a young age. (Or she is totally Camren af and that's why she doesn't want you getting married. My harmonizers where you at?)

It was now Tuesday but every couple of minutes Justin would pop into my head out of no where and I'd just sit there thinking about him.

My phone suddenly rang knocking me out of my thoughts.


"Hey it's Pattie. I know this sounds like a lot but I'm in need and you seem to do great. Would you be willing to take on a full time job and be Justin's nurse for a couple of months? It's only until his old nurse from Canada comes back," she asked.

"Well if love to but I'm not sure I could, se my fiancé doesn't like me to be away for too long," I explained.

"That won't be a problem, you'll only have to take care of him from around 6 to 7," she insisted.

"Okay... Sure... I'll do it," I said.

"Great! Could you start tomorrow? I'll just need to go over some things with you in the morning," she said.

"Yeah sure," I said.

"Okay, thank you so much!"

"No problem, see you tomorrow," I slowly said.

"Bye-bye," she said.

I hung up the phone. What am I getting myself into? I know for a fact if I spend any more time with that boy I'll commit a sin.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I must be dreaming. So I pinched myself. It hurt. This is really happening.

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