Chapter 88 - March 28th

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(Sakura/ Ino Apartment)
"Sakura? Hey! Sakura! Wake up! You'll be late for class!". Ino sat next to Sakura on the bed as she lied to her. Sakura woke up with durl down her lips. Her hair was messy and still wore the same clothes from the day before. She rub her eyes and eyes were wide open from the surprise she saw. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!". Everyone surprise Sakura with a small piece of Strawberry shortcake. The whole gang were in her room. Naruto, Hinata, Ino, Sai, Shikamaru, Temari, Karin and Suigetsu. Sakura looked a bit and remembered that Sasuke wasn't there. Sakura smiled. "Thank You. It means so much that you guys remembered my own birthday before me". She whipped her tears. "It's been awhile since the whole gang got together... even though Sasuke isn't here. This moment, means so much to me". Ino quickly hugged her tightly as Sakura cried in her arms.

"Sakura-Chan. Don't worry. I know a lot of things happen throughout the year. But trust me, everything will soon get better" Ino began tearing. "Why are you tearing?" Sakura started crying. "Because your crying and I hate seeing you cry". Ino cried along with Sakura. "But I'm suppose to be the sad one. Stop taking my thunder". Sakura cried harder. "Well.. Stopping being such a billboard brow". Ino cried harder. "Ino-Pig". "ALRIGHT!!! Stop with your crying. It's annoying..." Karin said as she open the curtains and lights came in. "Sakura. Dress up. We're all going out today". Karin took out a small gift bag. "Put this on and meet us downstairs. Everyone! go downstairs, give the girl some space". Everyone left the room. "Hurry, im starving!". Naruto shoutted. "Don't ever rush a girl when their dressing up. Learn that the hard way". Shikamaru touched his red cheek as Temari crossed her arm.

Sakura looked at the bag and took out a short red dress and accessories along with it. She smiled and quickly put it on. Ten minutes passed and Karin popped her head in along with Ino, Hinata and Temari. "Ready?" "Yea". Sakura turn and smiled as she had a better mood on. "Sakura! You look so pretty!!!" Ino and Hinata hugged Sakura tightly as Karin took a photo from behind with Temari. "Clear!". Karin took the photo and looked at it. Temari watch Karin mess with it and pressed Send. "I see". Temari smiled. Karin giggled along and whispered to Temari as she giggled too. "Part One. Complete".

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