Dinah Laurel Allen/Maximoff

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This is the alternative ending (
3rd pov
You and Barry/Pietro (choose one) were talking about your past.
"So how was your past y/n " Barry/Pietro said.
"Well.." you started "I was a foster kid my whole entire life, my dad decided is safer away from Starling City so he sent me up for adoption,I told Sara that I was her sister, she was happy. I never got the chance to tell Dad or......Laurel" a tear fell down your cheek.
Barry/Pietro threw the tear away and then he haded an idea "you still have time to tell your dad ".
"Im the fastest man alive" he said standing up.
You giggle "that is what Barry/Pietro says" you said.
He smiled and carried you to Starling City.

1 minute later of him running to The Arrow Cave

Oliver and everybody looked at you and Barry/Pietro.
"Y/nwhat happened?" You heard Quentin Lance said.
Barry/Pietro ran to Capt. Lance "Capt. Lance I want you to meet your daughter Y/n Lance, well, now is Allen/Maximoff ".
Quentin Lance walked up to you and hug you.
"You looked almost exactly like your sister " you smiled.
"Im sorry I sent you away..." you hugged him.
"Is ok I missed you, too" a tear fell down your cheek.
"Wait she is your daughter" Diggle asked shocked.
Capt. Lance nodded, "does Sara knows, too?"
"Yes, I do " and Sara came out of the shadows and hug y/n "I also know im gonna be an aunt".
Everybody looked at you surprised even Barry/Pietro "im gonna be a dad!" He said happily.
"What are you naming the baby ?" Felicity asked.
"Well is gonna be a baby girl so Dinah Laurel Allen/Maximoff " you said nervously.
Your dad walked up to you "I love it ".

Extended ending

"So wait that makes Capt. Lance a Grandpa" Barry/Pietro said.
"Barry/Pietro, shut up!" Capt. Lance said.
(A random picture)

(A random picture)

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