Ricardo 19

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Working for Zyshaun may seem like it would be easy, I mean all I had to do is show up and do whatever it is he told me right..... wrong, I was on call 24/7 literally Zyshaun would call me all hours of the day and night to have me tell him his schedule or to add things to it. Don't get me wrong I loved my job, it was a lot better than flipping pancakes and getting one dollar tips but it was still more than I was use to but I was getting use to it and then when he pulled stuff like this it made it more difficult to do my job. He could of at least told me that he was meeting with this dude and he could've told me that he wanted me to go talent scouting with this dude all over the country..... I didn't even know this dude for real and he wanted me to travel with him? I'd definitely have to decline this trip, because the last thing I needed was to be left alone with this man..... Alejandro. I tried to ignore the fact that he was sitting right next to me and I tried to ignore the fact that he smelled amazing (Gold by Jay Z) and I definitely tried to ignore the fact whenever he smiled this cheek sunk in a little revealing a heart shaped dimple. I tried to focus on Zyshaun but it was extremely difficult, finally everyone got up leaving me alone with Zyshaun.

"Aight Ricardo so once we get the cities narrowed down you can start taking care of the rest, booking the arenas, hotel, and shyt like that I'll send you and Dro to start looking at opening acts. Other than that I think you're done for the day, I'll call you if I need anything else." Zyshaun said standing up.

"Mr. Prater look I don't think I can go on this trip....... I feel like I could get more done here besides Dev has a better ear for music than I do ask him to go."  I said looking into his dark eyes.

"First of all Ricardo stop with the Mr. Prater shyt.... call me Zyshaun or Zy and yes I know I told you to call me that but honestly it sounds weird. Second Devin can't go because he's in school and Khalil would kill him if he left, the last thing I want is Khalil throwing a bitch fit because Devin is missing school. Finally are you really going to turn a chance to travel all over the country, stay in the best hotels and possibly help some young star realize their dream." Zyshaun said smirking. "But for real Cardo you're the only person other than Devin that I can trust with this."

"Okay." I said quietly, Zyshaun nodded and I left him standing in the room looking out the window. I walked down the hall and stepped into the elevator, just as I was about to close the door someone yelled for me to hold the doors, I held the button and Alejandro stepped inside and smiled at me.

"Thanks I really appreciate it.... Ricardo right." He said looking at me, I avoided his gaze and took in some of his other features; Alejandro was about 6'3, 215lbs of golden brown muscles, it was clear he was Latino by his long jet black hair that was neatly braided but I could tell there was some black in there somewhere I looked back down and noticed the sleeves of his shirt was rolled up revealing a tattoo that read 'Amor é Eterno'............

"Yeah..... umm your tattoo that's not Spanish." I said pointing at it, he looked down and smiled then looked back at me.

"True it's Portuguese, my mother is Brazilian and my father is black, it means Love is Eternal." Alejandro said smiling, I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "What's that look for?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"That's a stupid way to think love is a dream for little kids and women." I said crossing my arms. "Anyone who thinks otherwise is either childish or stupid." I said seriously.

"Wow you have a fucked up perception on love and life in general...... honestly you sound like a someone who is beyond bitter." Alejandro said his beautiful face turned into a scowl. The rest of the ride down was quiet except for the elevator music and the sound of the blood rushing to my ears, I was pissed who did the nigga think he was? Before I got the chance to cuss him out the doors opened and he stepped out the elevator and walked away quickly leaving me looking stuck on stupid.

I got to my apartment, changed and went straight to the spare bedroom that I had turned into a workout room and started hitting my punching bag. My week had been stressful as fuck and to top it off I haven't had any dick in weeks, it was driving me crazy seeing Lafayette today didn't help either because it was a constant reminder that him and Tion were together....... what was it about Lafayette that drew Tion to him? I like Lafayette and thought he was coo but still. I kept hitting the bag imagining it was everyone who had pissed me off this week, Zyshaun, Lorenzo, Lafayette...... and Alejandro. 'Honestly you sound like someone who is beyond bitter', his words stung like a hot hot branding iron, okay so I haven't been lucky in love and true I turned that hurt into being a walking manslut but who the fuck was this dude to judge me after knowing me for like five minutes.... just like Tion had. I punched the bag one more time and walked into my living room and called the only person I could honestly talk to.

"Whaddup punk, damn it's been like a week since you've called me." Will said as soon as he picked up.

"My bad bro you know Zyshaun be having me running around the city, but it's whatever. What you got planned for the weekend?" I asked.

"Probably going to go out with Devin and them why you wanna come?" Will asked and I thought about it for a second.

"Nah you know them dudes don't really fuck with me like that, in fact I'm pretty sure all of them hate." I said laughing.

"Cardo man they don't 'hate' you.... okay maybe Cam does but that nigga hates everyone. They just don't know the real you and maybe if you stopped trying to fuck every nigga that smiles in your direction they might start inviting you out more....... speaking of which how are you holding up?" Will asked.

"I'm good bro..... I haven't had sex since Zyshaun but I'm not going to sit here and lie this jacking off shyt is for the birds. I don't know how much longer I can hold up." I said truthfully.

"Man what did I tell you? One day at a time Cardo, the last time you were down here you had a body count that rivaled my first three years of college and you managed to almost push everyone away. Just go hang in there....... so you still trying to get with that one dude, Tion?" Will asked.

"Nah..... I mean I don't know, he's kinda seeing someone right now and the person he's been talking to is coo as fuck, I don't want to mess that up." I said thinking about Tion and Lafayette.

"See you're making progress the old you wouldn't have cared if Tion was in a relationship or not hell the old you would've tried to fuck both of them at the same time." Will said laughing, but look I'm about to come get you, whether you like it or not you're coming out with me tonight so be ready when I get there." Will said hanging up.

I figured I had at least three hours before Will got here and decided to hit the private gym, I pulled up and was getting my stuff out the trunk when I heard a loud ass motorcycle pulling into the empty parking lot. Whoever it was instantly got my attention, to me there was nothing sexier than a man on a motorcycle; the dude got off and I watched him in his black leather jacket with his duffle bag slung over his torso. The man looked in my direction, even through his darkly tinted visor I could feel the intensity of his gaze...... then he pulled his helmet off and I rolled my eyes, fuckin Alejandro. He didn't say anything he just walked to the door and I followed behind him we got to the door at the same time and he walked in not even bothering to hold the door.

"I should've let the elevator close." I mumbled and Alejandro stopped and looked at me.

"Did you say something?" He said standing there looking like he dared me to say something. I smirked a little and walked past him. "That's what I thought." He said before continuing to the locker rooms. I watched him walk away and couldn't help but think I really fucking hate that guy.

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