"you ruined everything."

Start from the beginning

“You can’t fucking do that!” Justin threw his chair back now, the anger in him rising.

“I can and I will. All the proof I need is right here,” he held the recorder up after collecting his folder, “nothing you say or do will change that.”

“Fuck you!” Justin screamed, the veins in his neck bulging as he pounced forwards, grabbing Sanchez by the neck and slamming him down on the table only to have the door thrown open, several officers stepping inside to handle the situation.

Pulling Justin off, Sanchez brushed himself down, rubbing away the redness now inking his skin, “attacking the district attorney,” he scoffed, adjusting his tie, “you’re on a roll tonight.”

“Go to hell you little piece of shit!” Justin fought against the officers, wanting to kill Sanchez right then and there, knowing he had nothing to lose at this point.

“I would but it looks like they reserved a special place for you,” he spat before grabbing his belongings once more, “it won’t be long before the feds are here to collect you. It was nice doing business with you Bieber.”

Fighting back the urge to scream, Justin watched as he disappeared out of sight before being escorted out of the room and out into the waiting cells.

“What’s going on?” Kelsey gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock as she turned on her heels, facing the guys, “what’s happening?”

“I don’t know,” Bruce held the back of his neck as he watched Justin being taken away as he noticed the proud look on Sanchez’s face. “Fucking hell,” he muttered under his breath, before turning to them, “wait here.” Walking after him, Bruce grabbed Sanchez by the arm. “What the hell do you have planned?”

“Nothing that is of your concern,” Shoving Bruce off of him, Sanchez straightened his posture, “so I suggest you never touch me again unless you want to end up in a cell next to his.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Bruce growled, “You have nothing on him!”

“He beat a man to a pulp with his bare hands on private property and then revealed quite a bit of information. If you think that’s nothing, you are sadly mistaken. Now, if you don’t mind, I have some business to take care of. Visiting hours will be over by the end of the night so I’d get my goodbyes ready.”

Watching as he walked around the corner, Bruce cursed endlessly under his breath, aching to punch something—anything.

This couldn’t be happening, not now, not like this… not with him acting this way. “Fuck,” Clasping the back of his head in the palms of his hands he tipped it back, blowing out a strong breath of air before whirling around on his heels, seeing red.

“This is all your fault,” Bruce spat heavily, his eyes on Kelsey’s small body who looked up at him with wide eyes, not being able to believe her ears.

“Excuse me?”

“If we would’ve just gotten rid of you when we had the chance, none of this would’ve happened! But he saw something in you, God knows fucking what and now look at where we ended up today!”

“Bruce,” John began, shaking his head vigorously, “stop it.”

“Fuck off!” he yelled, earning a good amount of attention from the officers and guests surrounding him but he didn’t care. Not when he didn’t have much to lose anymore.

“I think you should take a breather man and relax,” Marco took a step forward but Bruce took one back, his eyes wild, untamed.

“What is it with you all taking after her pathetic ass?” Bruce gestured towards Kelsey, a look of disbelief crossing his eyes, “I made you guys, nother! I gave you a name in this shitty little town, not her! I gave you a home, NOT HER! I FUCKING BUILT EVERYTHING AND SHE’S TEARING IT APART!”

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