When you meet

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You walked through the woods trying to calm down. Today your trashy ass excuse for a mom said she was gonna find you a husband and then force you into marriage. So you punched her in the face and ran into the woods. "God damn it mother! I hate you!" You yelled thinking no one was there. You felt a presences behind you and instantly turned around, "Who's  there?!" You snickered a bit thinking how cliché you sounded. "Hello child." you heard a voice say. You looked around and saw a tall man, wearing a suit, a red tie, AND WTF NO FACE!? You sorta freaked out and about threw a stick at the mystery man. "AHHHH ALIEN!!!" You panicked. The man just chuckled, "I'm not an alien. My name is Slenderman, but call me Slendy." "Uhhh... Cool yo. My name is (Y/N)." You said face planting. "Well (Y/N) see you soon." He said teleporting away, leaving a weird static noise behind.  You stood up and made a beeline to your house.

Jeff The killer

Your friend put up on Facebook that she met Slenderman in the woods. "Pshh whatever." You mumbled while scrolling through your news feed. You had certainly read about every Creepypasta, having a slight obsession with them. The stories just made you feel all sorts of ways. You put your phone down on the table next to you, "If that did happen then she'd be dead." You mumbled. You closed your eyes and drifted off to dreamland.

A few hours later you heard your window open. "Wtf?" You groaned in annoyance and sat up. Too tired to even think about danger you stumbled over to the window and shut it. When you were going back to bed you saw something behind you and dogged out the way, just in time to see knife hit the carpet. "Crap." You mumbled. The intruder stood there. He was a pale boy, a carved in smile, no eyelids, and a blood stained hoodie. "Ha, nice save (Y/N)!" He laughed. "Wait a minute! Your Jeff The Killer!" You said with a gasp. His eyes widen, "You've heard about me?" He asked. You nodded your head, "Yep." He walked over to your window, "You've got guts." He jumped out yelling, "SEE YOU AROUND!"

BEN Drowned

You skipped home happily from Game Stop. You see the game you had been looking everywhere for the actual had in the used game section. It was Majoras Mask for your Nintendo 64, it may had been old but you loved it a lot. Most of your childhood had been spent playing that thing. Anyway you walked into the door and ran up to your bedroom. "I can't wait!" You nearly screamed. You popped the game into your system. After a while you noticed this weird Link look alike statue following you around. "What the heck?" You mumbled. Suddenly the screen turned black and blood red letters saying 'You shouldn't have done that.' Appeared on the screen. "What shouldn't I have done?" You said, raising a brow. The tv started swimming and a boy who looked like Link came out of your TV. You screamed and threw your controller at him. "Women calm the heck down!" He yelled. "I CANT THERES A LINK IN MY HOUSE!!!" You screamed running around. "Oh Zalgo! I'm not link! IM BEN DROWNED!!!" He yelled back. You kept running around screaming. "Alright (Y/N) I'll come back and kill you later. Your a little too hyped up." He said stepping back into your TV. Leaving you to run around.

Laughing Jack

You wear a daredevil. You loved risky things and excitement. So of corse when your friends dared you to spend the night in an abandoned carnival, heck you excepted. You climbed the fence and strolled in. "Hm not as scary as I thought." You said unimpressed. You had been in worse situations, especially that one time you EX-Boyfriend dumped you on private property and left you there drunk. Yea, not fun. You started to remember that day, and starting feeling depressed again. You sat down on one of the benches and cried a little. You normally were brave and didn't give a shit, but you both had been together since high school. You heard whistling to the tune of 'Pop goes the weasel' in the distance. The whistling stopped and you heard a deep voice say, "Awww why are crying?" You looked up and saw monochrome clown, with a cone shaped nose, and sharp teeth. "Oh Uhhh... It's nothing..." You said. You weren't used to people seeing you cry. "Oh come on, it's obvious something." He said sitting down next to you. "Well...." You explained what happened, and expected him to laugh at you. In your shock he hugged you instead, "Aww he's a jerk! You shouldn't be upset with that. Besides you to pretty to cry~" he said. You hugged back, "Thanks. My names (Y/N), what's yours?" You asked pulling away. "My name is Laughing Jack, but feel free to call me L.J." He said giving a toothy grin. You smiled back when you noticed the sun coming up. "Well it looks like I need to go!" You both said at the same time. You busted out laughing, "I need to get home." You said. He nodded his head and vanished into the air, leaving nothing but confetti behind.


Your friend (F/N) had showed you this new computer game called Sonic.EXE and she wanted you to play it. You nodded your head as she explained all the controls and other stuff. After an hour playing she had too leave because she said she had to meet a special friend. In fact all of your friends had this special friend they had to meet, and every time you asked about it they all waved it off saying 'It's hard to explain.'. You continued playing when the game got gory, "WTF is this?! Satins game?!" You said as you continued to play ((Sorry I don't know much about Sonic.EXE's story.)). At the end of it the computer shut off by itself. "Okay then, well I'm gonna go get some pretzels." You said walking out of your room. While you were down stairs you heard a loud thud and someone mumbling curse words. You ignored as the computer Turing back on to that horrid game. As you went up the stairs and opened your door you heard a tons more cussing. WEAR THE FUCK IS THAT BITCH!!!" Someone yelled. Grabbing the closet thing too you, witch happened to be a vase, you opened the door and threw it at the thing. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!" He yelled making you flinch. You opened your eyes and saw what appeared to be sonic, but he had blood red eyes pupils and blood all spatters over him. "Who the fuck are you?!" You yelled terrified. "I'm Sonic.EXE and your (Y/N), correct?" He said giving you a pervy grin. "How the fuck does an asshole like you know my name!?" You yelled back. "I know more then you know." He yelled jumping back into the computer. "Smart ass." You mumbled sitting back down at the computer, and just before you closed the game you heard a voice that said, "Hey! I heard that!!"

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