-1- Meeting Her

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My life was normal before she showed up. She came out of nowhere. One night I'm living as a normal teenage girl and the next I'm living the most exciting life anyone has ever lived! My name is Tempest Forest. I'm a 17 year old senior in high school. I'm what most would call the 'popular' chick in school. I'm the head cheerleader and the Volleyball captain. Los Angeles, California. The city of angels is where I've wanted to live since I was a kid. Now that I'm here I've been living the dream. I live in a huge mansion, but I live alone. Mostly because my parents are always away on business trips. I rarely ever see them so I hold parties every weekend to keep myself from feeling lonely. Right now I'm single and working as a model outside of school. Another reason I'm popular.

    Last night I was throwing another one of my parties, when I stepped out to get some air. I got into my car and drove to an area under the Hollywood sign where most teens would come for romantic nights. To my surprise there was no one here. I leaned back in my seat and turned up my music. "You're so hypnotizing. Could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch magnetizing, feels like I am floating, leave my body glowing. They say be afraid, you're not like the others. Futuristic lover. Different DNA, they don't understand you...", I sing along to ET by Katy Perry ft. Kanye West. How ironic that this song were to play tonight.

    Later that night I was walking my dogs, Thor and Sansa, German Shepherds, when there was a bright light above me. Something was falling from the sky! Something bright and big. It passed me overhead and crashes maybe miles away. I stand rooted to my spot in shock and wonder. A meteorite? Or something else?

I look down at my dogs who are looking up at me waiting to receive an order. I nod to them silently and they lead the way to the crash site.

They've lead me quite a ways from our original point. I'm slightly out of breath from running so far and fast, trying to keep up with these two, that I barely take in the sight before me. There is a huge metal spaceship/capsule thing. Surprisingly the ground around this massive thing wasn't damaged with the rough landing. What the hell is this thing? I walk up to the mysterious thing and run my hand across the smooth, cool metal exterior. I don't see a door to this huge thing so I can't see what's inside just yet. I walk around to the other side, to inspect it too, when my dogs start going bazerk. I hear a low hissing sound, but ignore it to keep looking at this spectacular sight. My dogs howl and growl to catch my attention and I sigh. I walk back to the other side, only to come to a stop when I see the thing has been opened. I look inside and glance around. It's huge in there! Am I going in? Hell no! Looks fucking cool though! My dogs growl quietly and I turn to them, "What? Stop growling.", I order them. I turn back around, but the thing is gone. When did it move?! I feel around, but it's really gone. I turn to look back at my dogs who are running off into the trees surrounding this place. Where the fuck are they going?! "Thor! Sansa! Get back here!", I call after them. When they don't come back I get scared, 'What made them leave?', I ask myself internally. I sigh and turn back to the mystery item of the damn day. I have a small inner argument with myself on if I should see what's inside. I'm a very curious person as most people know, so naturally I decide that I will take a peek. I step into the futuristic thing and my breath is taken away. It looks so much bigger on the inside than the outside! How the hell does someone make something like this?! My shoes against the hard floor is all that is hear as I snoop around.

I don't see anyone or anything, living or dead, in here with me so I walk in farther. I turn down a long hallway and open a few doors as well. Bathrooms, bedrooms, lounge and a room with a bunch of control panels and screens. I back out and walk to the last door. It's another room, but this one looks like someone was in it not too long ago. The bed sheets are wrinkled, the closet is wide open, and clothes are thrown about willy-nilly.

The clothes belong to a woman and none of them are girly. More like the chick is a "bad girl". Black, grey, or white clothes and shoes. Only those three colors. I turn around to walk out, but something catches my eye. Something bright. On a dresser there lays a bright glowing crystal connected to a chain. I pick up the mesmerising necklace and hold it gently in the palm of my hand. I've never seen a crystal like thing in my life. The color changes from a flame of burnt brandy blue to lighter blues, the lightest being electric blue, and from those blues to greens and purples. I stare closer and the colors seem to swirl. Like dye in a cup of water. Little, white flashes of light appear from time to time like stars. Something, somewhere in here drops and startles me. I look around before I feel it's time for me to go.

I walk home in silence, staring at the necklace, when it starts raining. I cover the necklace and pick up my pace. When I reach my gate I see my dogs waiting. They whimper and pounce on me. Their kisses shower me and I laugh softly, "Alright you two, get off. We need to get inside.", I say and push them off. I get up and unlock the gate, push it open, let the dogs and myself in, and lock it back.

Inside I dry us off and get ready for bed, before it's too late. I lay in bed, exhausted, and think back to the necklace that is in my bedside drawer. My eyes grow heavy and everything goes back. I wake up not long after I fall asleep to the feeling of another person in my room.

I hear the drawer next to my bed open and shuffling. It closes and the person's feet step back two steps. I keep my eyes shut tight and listen. If I open my eyes, my dogs are in front of me staring at whatever/whoever is behind me. My heart is beating to fast and hard that I wonder if they can hear it. My breathing speeds up as they walk around the bed. I pray that they'll go away, but it doesn't sound like they're leaving. Unless maybe they go through the windows. I'm correct when the balcony doors open and close. I crack my eyes open and look around. No one is in the room and everything seems almost like a hallucination. I get up, lock every way in and out, and return back to my bed. I open the bedside drawer and grab out my tazer. I quickly take notice to the absence of the necklace I found. Did someone see me with the necklace and break in to take it from me? I sigh and lay back. Fatigue takes over quickly and I'm out like a light.

The next day I'm watching the news, while eat breakfast of course, when the topic of a new model comes up, "If you haven't heard yet, there is a new model hitting the industry! She's a beauty who has people under a lovestruck spell. Though she just showed up yesterday, she's all over the internet, social media, and tv. A picture of her was taken while she was at Nick's Coffee shop and deli. Even off guard she is beautiful.", The news anchor says. A picture of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen pops up and sure enough she is eating food in a diner. "People are calling this girl the most beautiful girl in the world. Early this morning it was announced that she will be working in the modeling industry and directors all over are wanting her to participate in their movies! How amazing is that?! She's one lucky woman.", another anchor says. I turn off the tv and grab my things for work. It's Saturday and I have a lot of photo shoots scheduled today. I place my hand on the door and take a deep breath, 'Smile, Tempest. Smile.', I encourage myself.

I meet up with my agent who told me  he had someone he wanted me to meet. My agent is sitting in his office with another person. He stands and smiles brightly, "Forest, I'd like you to meet someone new to the agency!", he exclaims. The person stands up and turns to me. It's the woman from the news! She's here in all her glory. Her tall glory. She's around 6'2, I think. Sunglasses cover her eyes, but she smiles. Her teeth are bright, straight and very white. I smile back as she steps forward and sticks out her hand, "A pleasure to meet you, Tempest Forest. I am Octavia Quinn. Please call me either name.", She said with her sexy, silky voice. I'm too stunned to shake her hand immediately, but I do after a few minutes. I look over her monochrome attire and my eyes shoot back up to her chest. No, not her breasts, but the necklace hanging there. The necklace I found last night! I look up to her face and her smile has turned into a knowing smirk. Though her sunglasses are black I can see a low glowing behind them. Her eyes?! "I'm glad we can work together. Let's work hard.", she says in a whisper.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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