So..shes staying?

Start from the beginning

He pulled away resting his forehead on hers, letting her catch her breath. “I know you don’t trust me but, will. You’ll know soon that I would never do anything to hurt you. None of us will.” He said before he pulled away from her and giving her one last kiss on the cheek he turned, grabbing her plate and putting it back in front of her. He looked at Vin from over her head before he turned and walked out of the kitchen. Vin pushed himself away from the table and stood, following Cannon out.  

No one said anything for a long moment, leaving the room in an uncomfortable silence.

“So…she’s staying?”

Bobby reached over and smacked Jaxison upside the head.



Cannon pushed open the door leading out to the back porch of his small house. He braced his hands on the railing, letting out a sigh as he hung his head. He turned his head as Vin stopped next to him leaning his back against the railing casually and crossing his arms.

They didn’t say anything,  both listening to the hail hit the thin roof that covered the porch. “I can’t let her leave.” Cannon finally broke the silence, staring out into the forest. A thick fog was hugging the giant trees; the hail was coming down so hard that you couldn’t see beyond the ones separating Cannons backyard and the forest. It looked ominous the way it seemed to slink out and devour the grounds. Taking the grass and leaves hostage as the fog solidifies.

Vin nodded his head in agreement. Pushing himself up and turning so he’s facing the forest, resting his elbows on the rail and leaning forward. “You’re gonna have to tell her.” Vin said.

Vin glanced at Cannon from the corner of his eye. He looked troubled. A foreign expression for Vin to see on his best man’s face.  Cannon was always the hothead of the pack, the one who was quick to start a fight and to leave a girl at the first hint of feelings stronger than lust. He didn’t give a shit about anything and anyone besides his pack. But now, Vin saw something else in him.

“I’ll tell her in time. She’s not ready for the truth.” Vin blinked back to attention from his thoughts. Vin nodded in agreement standing upright. “She’s feeling the emotions that come from a mate.” Vin said “She’s attracted to you in ways that she probably have never felt before. It confuses her. It probably scares her.”

Cannon sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know. If it’s half as much as what I feel towards her, I would be scared too.” Cannon looked up at his Alpha, and Vin was startled to see the raw emotion in his eyes. “I’ll never be able to let her go. Even if she did want to leave, I know I wouldn’t let her.” Cannon’s expression turned pained. “I think about leaving her, and I can’t.”

 Vin put a hand on Cannon’s shoulder in reassurance. “That’s normal. She’s your mate. We don’t love like others. When we love, we love forever.” Vin said before he grinned. “Hell, I’m just surprised you found yours before I did.” Cannon scowled and pushed him away from him in annoyance. “Shut up.” Cannon mumbled.

Vin chuckled and slapped Cannon on the shoulder again, getting ready to go back inside. “Seriously, don’t sweat it. She’s your mate, meaning she was meant for you and for you only.” Vin shrugged. “You have nothing to worry about.”  Cannon didn’t look as convinced but nodded his head anyways. Cannon pushed himself away from the railing and followed Vin inside.Vin was right.

Jaylynn was his mate. She belonged to him wither she accepted it or not, she’s his. And she’s not going anywhere.


It was dark when Jaylynn woke up in the same heaven-like bed that she did earlier. She wouldn’t be surprised if when she opened her eyes that she would see Luben staring down at her. So this time, she took caution waking up. Peeking an eye open and then the other when she didn’t see Luben anywhere near her. She sat up and took in her surroundings. She was completely alone something that both relieved her and made her anxious.

She spent the entire day with the boys and Cannon. She got particularly close to Luben.  He wouldn’t leave her side then entire day, talking her ear off. She smiled to herself when she thought about Luben and the kid like quality that he regarded the world. He was sweet and funny. Though she could tell that his constant presence throughout the day annoyed Cannon, Jaylynn was more than happy to listen to his hyperactive chatter.

Jaylynn sighed when her thoughts turned to Cannon. Her knight in shining armor was a mystery to her. The entire day she was more than happy to stay by his side and his protective behavior. Whenever he felt the guys playing turned too rough, he would frown and pull her protectively to his side. More often than not, when he felt that Luben was getting too close to her, she would suddenly find herself on his lap with his arm curled around her hip.

Jaylynn frowned thoughtfully, pulling her bottom lip with her teeth. The feelings he ignited within her confused the hell out of her. When she was around him, she felt complete. With a simple touch he made her heart racing and her hormones out of control. She flushed remember how she met him at the beach. It should be illegal for a man to look that good.

She looked over at the clock. Four in the morning? No wonder it was so dark and quiet. Everyone was asleep. It would be the perfect time to steal away. She couldn’t stay here; she was endangering everyone by doing so. So why does it feel like her heart is breaking?

She carefully got off the bed, put on her shoes and walked quietly to the door. She poked her head out and looked around. So far, so good. She tiptoed down the hall, breathing a sigh of relief when she made it out the hallway only to freeze when she reached the living room. 

There were bodies everywhere on the living room floor. Everyone must have spent the night.  There was no way that she would be able to go around them to the door that they were blocking without waking them.

Maybe you should just stay? A voice that sounded suspiciously like Luben whispered into her conscious.

But it’s dangerous. They could get hurt. She argued with herself.

But if you leave, you’ll hurt him too. The voice whispered back.

Jaylynn staggered back, shocked about the amount of pain the thought caused.

She felt tears build in her eyes so she closed them, turning away from the living room and into the kitchen. She placed her hand out and braced herself with the wall. What is wrong with her? She’s acting like a total pregnant woman with all of these emotions.

She exhaled composing herself a bit before she opened her eyes. She slowly stood up when they spotted something she missed before. 

A backdoor. 

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