Chapter 5

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**Hey guys! So this story has passed 1k reads and I am so grateful that you guys like this story. I hope this one is as successful as the my first one. Even if it's not, it's so much fun to write these. Anyways I don't own Twilight or the characters so I'll let you start reading.**

Jasper's POV

I was watching her sleep peacefully on top of my chest when Peter and Char came back. I motioned for them to keep quiet. Char smiled at us before grabbing Peter and dragging him upstairs. Thank you Charlotte. She can keep him wrangled even better than I could. I sigh and stroke her hair being careful not to wake her. I still can't get my mind off of what happened between her and Edward. He will come back and try something knowing him and it won't be pretty. Tomorrow I'm gonna have to talk to the rest of the family.

I know she can protect herself pretty well, but it would make me feel a lot better if she had more protection. She whimpers a little bit in her sleep as if she is having a nightmare. I start purring and nuzzling her. She calms right down and sleeps peacefully again. I look at the clock and it's nearly 4 am. I'm surprised that so much time has passed. I just lay there and stroke her hair for the next 4 hours before she starts to stir. She opens her eyes a little. "Good morning Jasper," she says. "Morning Bella. How did you sleep," I ask. "Very well because you make a nice pillow," she says giggling.

I laugh at her and kiss her head. Nettie then comes downstairs. "Good morning Bella. Good morning Jasper. What would you like for breakfast," she asks. "Just get me some bacon and eggs," I say. "Right away Bella," she says and scurries off to the kitchen. "Does she always just do what you say," I ask. "Yeah, she was originally programmed to do anything and everything without question. I gave her human emotions when I took her in and gave her a home here with me. She asked why and I told her that I wanted her to have choices. She's one of the few robots with choices," I say.

"Well that's pretty amazing. That's one of the things I like about you the most. You always give people choices. You gave her free will and she could have left but she stayed cause you did that for her," I say. She smiles at me and gives me a kiss. I love how compassionate she is and it disgusts me that Edward took advantage of that. Just then Nettie comes in with her breakfast. "Thanks Nettie," she says and sits up to eat. "Your welcome and Jasper I will eliminate you if you hurt her," she says before rolling away to do more housework.

My jaw is to the floor and Bella is laughing at me. "I just had a robot threaten me. Well you can't say that everyday," I say. "You gotta admit that was great. Oh I love Nettie," she says. "Hey what about me," I say. "Aww don't worry Jazzy-poo. I still love you," she says and I glare at her. She just keeps laughing and I just keep my glare fixed on her. "Oh come on laugh," she says. I shake my head and smile at her. She finishes eating and takes her dishes to the kitchen. "Hey Bella," I say. "Yeah," she says.

"I know that you can protect yourself just fine. You already proved that, but I want to ask the family to help me protect you," I say. "Umm why would we want to do that," she says. "I just want to ensure that your safe from Edward and Alice," I say. "As much as I appreciate the thought, I don't want to bother them with it," she says. "Bella, you know that they will do anything to make sure that you are safe. They are very guilty, as well as I am, about what happened all those years ago," I say. "Jasper don't you dare say that. You know that I don't blame any of you guys for what happened," she says. "I know," I say.

"So stop feeling guilty. I would honestly go through it all over again if it meant I still got to be with you," she says with her hands on my face. I look at her and kiss her. "I love you Bella. More than words can describe," I say and kiss her again.

Edwards POV

This scene makes me sick. Those two human drinkers were so moronic and I easily snuck past them. How could she be with him. Wasn't my love enough for her? She will be mine if it means I have to kill my own brother. I will have her and there is absolutely nothing that he can do to stop me. "Bella, love, you will be mine," I say.

**Yes, I know this is late. Sorry there will be a chapter on each story this weekend. Also it is going around that someone is going to hack wattpad. If you see anything inappropriate posted by me to my message boards, DMs, or chapters that don't line up with the story, it isn't me. If I do see something out of the ordinary, I will tell you guys so you know. Anyways thank you all for reading and I will get a new chapter posted this coming weekend I pinky swear. Also I pass 100 followers so thank you guys so much. If I do something for he 150 or 200 mark would you guys be interested? Anyways I will end this long note. Haha bye guys!!**

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