Sister Talk

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'Suzanna pov.'
"Where is she?" I ask my worried dad as I walk through the front door.

"Her room.'s bad. She has nightmares every night, she hardly eats...I didn't know who else to call." He stresses.

"You did the right thing dad. I may be a month younger but I can still kick her ass into motion." I say as I walk upstairs. This is actually good for me, living with mom on the Makah reservation wasn't working out. She's originally from the Quileute tribe but she 'couldn't bare' seeing Dad on a regular basis so she moved in with her brother and sister in law. Uncle Noah and Aunt Paisley have always been good to me but I've never been close to anyone but my dad and Bella, when her mom let her see me that is. Bitch. I fling open Bella's door and she looks at me in mild surprise. I shut the door and stomp over to her and slap her in the face.

"I get it Bells. You thought he was your soulmate or whatever but he isn't. A vampire dazzled you and I know what he said hurts but you're going to get your ass out of this house." I growl with my hands on my hips.

"B-but Jake." I cut her off with another slap.

"He's a Shapeshifter Bells. We're going to his house right now and I'm going to kick his alpha's ass." I growl as I pull some clothes out of her closet. She sits there for a second before nodding and standing up.

"How do you know about vampires and Shapeshifter's?" She asks as I pull out some skinny jeans, black converse, and a blue hoodie. I toss them to her and turn for her to change.

"The Makah reservation has an old Quileute Shawoman who said I had 'the gift' or some shit. She showed me some healing herbs, gave me some journals about shifters and disappeared when she said I knew enough. Said to pass on the trade to the alpha wolf's mate. Like that's clear." Bella finishes changing and I turn to look at her.

"Now are you gonna stop pussy footing around or are you gonna come kick some werewolf ass with me?" I ask as I cock my hip.

"Ready to kick some werewolf ass." She says with a smirk. I whoop and high five her hard.

"Ow." We both hiss before laughing.

"There's my Bells." I say with a smirk. I open the door and we walk downstairs.

"Where's Dad?" Bella asks. I pick up a note on the kitchen table and frown.

"There's been another killing. He's putting together a hunting party with Harry Clearwater and a couple of guys from the force." I tell her with a frown.

"He'll be fine. He's dad." She says with a smile. I nod and leave a note saying we'll be at Jake's house kicking his ass. We walk down the front steps and she smirks at my old Impala.

"Nice ride." She says. I nod and we get in.

"Yep, he's my baby." I say as I pat the dash. I snicker and pull out of the driveway before flooring it. We cackle and I roll the windows down. I turn the radio on and Eye of the Tiger blasts through the speakers.

"Cause it's the, eye of the Tiger it's the thrill of the fight!" I scream out the window. Bella laughs and drums on the dash as she sings. We enter La Push and she turns down the music.

"Let me talk to the dickwad first, he might get angry and shift." I mumble as we park in front of Billy's house. We get out of the car and I knock on his front door.

"Girls. Jacob's not in right now." Billy says. That was the worst lie ever.

"Sorry Billy." I say before darting past him. I grab a bottle of water from the kitchen before we walk into his room. I unscrew the lid and hand it to Bella. She frowns at me before shrugging and pouring it on Jacob. He yelps and falls out of bed. He shakes his head like a dog and glares up at us.

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