let's play

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"I'm back boys" I say
Some of them just stare at me in shock others are checking me out, probably because of my new appearance
I just roll my eyes "take a picture it will last longer"

I look to pan, who has and angry face,
I wave my hand in front of his face to get his attention
"Um so where will I be staying"

Pan turns to me and smirks "you will be staying with me in my tent"
Ugh really

"Okay, sounds good" I say and send a wink to him
His eyebrows shot up in surprise
"Alright then, filex!, take the boys to training, I will be...accompanying kate" he say with a smirk

"yes pan" filex says with a smirk. What is is with these boys and smirking
Filex turned around to leave, sending my a wink on the way, mouthing 'good luck'.
I just roll my eyes

"So what are we gonna do" I asked in a bored tone
Pan turns to me
"I could think of a few things" he smirks, with every step he takes, I take on back, till I was up against a tree

Pan comes so close to me that there is no space between us
"But maybe we can do that later" he whispers in my ear
He walks away and I let out a breath, not realizing I had held it.

"Yeah maybe later pan" I say

Pan stops walking for a second, I walk up to him and plant kisses up and down his jawline, he let's out a small moan, I pull back and walk away

Smirking to myself

I guess I just found pans weaknesses

Sorry for not posting, I got logged out and couldn't long back in, I hope u enjoy this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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