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"See I told you, your are a disappointment, no one wants you. They just keep dumping you off here agein and agein." I stomped up to my room and slammed the door.

Oh sorry did I forget to introduce myself... I'm Katherine. Katherine Roberts. But I hate my name, it reminds me of my parents, so I prefer to be called Kate.
I have been in foster care since I was 4. My parents dropped my off at an orphanage because they didn't want me. After a while I thought they would come back for me, but after a while I lost hope. I am 17 now. I have been to at least 14 homes, after a few months they dump me back at the orphanage.

I plopped myself on my bed. Why doesn't anyone want me? All I want is a family. I start to cry into my pillow. I walk up to my window and look out "I believe." I whisper to myself.

Next thing I knew they window flew open and a shadow came in, he looked around and stoped as his glowing eyes looked at me in the corner. He flew to me, are faces inches apart. I was to scared to move. The shadow blew purple dust in my face. Black started to spot my vision, I collapsed onto the floor, as blackness consumed me.


I fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the light. I pushed myself up on ny elbows, ughhh my head hurts like hell. I look around at my surroundings, I'm on a beach with woods that surround me. "Where am I?" I asked my self. "Your in Neverland, love" a voice says. I quickly get up I grab my knife I keep in my pocket just in case of emergency ( I live in New York, you never know what can happen) when I turn around and see a boy no older than me.

He has brown wavy hair and a nice upper body, overall he was attractive. "Like what you see love" the boy says. He smirks at me. He may be attractive but he is annoying, I just want to smack that smirk off his face. "No not really" I replied. His smirk dropped and now it my turn to have one.
"Who are you" he asks. "That's non of your business", his fists ball up, probably pissed that I didn't tell him my name. "Who. Are. You" he asks more sternly. I roll my eyes.
"My name's Katharine. Katherine Roberts, but everyone calls me Kate." He grins,

"Well Kate welcome to Neverland" I start laughing. He looks at me confused. "What you don't believe me" he asks. I nod my head no. He grunts. Seconds later a fire ball appears in his hand, he throws it at me, I easily dodge it. One of my foster parents taught me to fight, use weapons, and survival skills.

I stare at him with wide eyes. "You believe me now" he asks. I nod my head yes. He smirks "good, fallow me" he starts to turn around. "No" I say. He turns around and raises an eyebrow "No?" He questions. I roll my eyes, " Yeah no, are u deaf or do u need me to spell it out for you. N. O" I tell him as if I'm talking to a two year old.
He comes up to me and raises a hand, I turn my head waiting for the impact. I have been abused in my foster homes before, I guess it's just a reflex. I look at him, he has a confused look on his face. I shake my head telling him it was nothin.

His face relaxes, next thing I know he throws me over his shoulder. I start to hit his back hoping I could do some damage, but nothing happens, he's like a rock. "Ughh put my down,".
"No" he answers.
"Ughh I hate this view" I lied. He chuckles "Well I like this view" he says as he smacks my ass. Now I'm really pissed. "Keep it to yourself buddy, unless you want two back hands" I yell at him
He laughs "Ok I'll stop...... for now" he says. I shrug it off and he keeps on walking, with me still on his shoulder.

I just remembered I don't know his name. "What's your name?" I asks.
He puts me down and pulls my in our faces inches apart. Is it bad for me to say I actually like this position. He smirks.

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself..... I'm Peter. Peter Pan".

And with that he blows the same purple dust in my face. Before I fell to the ground he catches me. "Sweet dreams" was the last thing I hear before I pass out.

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