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       Ok, so i guess you guys are wondering why i have not but updating well let's just say that I have not been feeling like me lately because this is not " ThatAuthorYouLove" it's her best friend!!!

        Let's just say that she is in Hawaii and right as I am updating this she is probably eating Sushi. She sent me a text message of pilled up plates of eaten Sushi roles and well... lets just say there was 17 plates of Sushi and 2 pieces of Sushi on each one of them.

        Yes, this was shared by the four people's in her family but still that's a lot of damn Sushi in one day. I mean really, would you eat that much Sushi in one day?

        Sky: "Yes yes i would and i wouldn't share it with anyone else either, not even the Cupquake..."

        Tiffy: "But sky, why wouldn't you give me any..."

      Sky: "When did you get in this conversation, not like trying to be mean but how long have you been there?"

    Tiffy: "As long as you have, I've been watching you sky, i'm always watching," disapears mysteriously in some random ass fog that just appeared.

        Sky: "Um... is that normal, plz tell me that's normal"

        Me: "Yea of course it is............ n't"

        Sky: (doesn't hear the last part) "oh ok then I trust you... for now," he says as he disappears into the fog.

         Me: "Uh... guy's?" Oh well ThatAuthorYouLove said that if she could update she would be her jackass hotel she is staying at makes you pay for the damn WI-FI... i mean really? She also said that the beds are very uncomfortable. Guess what she is having for breakfast tomorrow! Drum roll plz.... the lucky cereal is... Frosted Flakes!!!

         Omg, she was just offered to eat a cuddle fish at a convenience store... TO EAT!!! Good thing she said no or when she comes back next Friday i would have killed her. Yeah, i hate it too but she's going to be back next Friday. I feel like now you all know the story and i might keep you updated on what she is doing ever 2 days post in the comments if you want me to! I would appreciate it if we could get her some more lovin's out there before she comes back so she can come back to at least... 10 more votes all in all before she gets back. So leave a comment of what questions you have for her about Hawaii and i will reply as soon as possible thx for reading this long ass shit. And i'll see you all in the next update.

                                                                 ~Signed The Unknown

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