I Can Heal You (SkyQuake)

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   Before I start the story, this is like... Red never lived... Uhh... Sorry about that Red... Lol ok so this is a story once Sky started living in LA and they are at a Park, Sky is drunk and Cupquake really needs to go to the bathroom and ya.. So lets start...

   ~~~Cupquake's POV~~~

  I rush into the bathroom and hear whimpering in one of the stalls, I knock "What do you want?!" the whimmpering voice yells to me.

   "What is wrong?" I say and start to open the door, I emediatly look down and see blood around the man.. Then I look at the man, he looks fimilliar. Oddly enough I think I know him. "Uh, sir, why are you in the woman's bathroom?" I ask, studdering here and there.

   ~~~Sky's POV~~~

  I look at the woman, she has purple hair. I say to her "Why wouldn't I?" I say remembering I'm drunk Man I must sound like sh- my thought was interupted. "I'm iHasCupquake, or Tiffy, what is your name?" I look at her...

   "From... That one video I did with a lot of youtubers... Oh I'm Adam... Er mainly people know me as Sky, er SkydoesMinecraft..." I say Her eyes light up and nods. She reaches out her hand. I grab her wrist and she helps me up, Tiffy leads me to the sink and washes me up.

~~~Cupquake's POV~~~

   I wash up SKy's wrists, "Stay here" I say and go to the stale. I was right, there is a knife on the floor... Covered in blood... I pick it up and go back to Sky. "You don't need this. Are you with your friends here?" I ask Sky, he nods and a tear trickles down his cheek. He takes my wrist and leads me to his friends. Other YouTubers. "There you are Sky!" says a man. I look at the five people.

~~~Bashur's POV~~~

   "Sky I know you like woman but why were you in the girls' bathroom?" I say, Jerome agrees, so does Ty, Jason, and The Mudkips. You know what?! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL HIS REAL NAME! SO NO SPAM COMMENTS HOW TO SPELL IT I HAVE MY BFF GOOGLE "Well... I was drunk and was running around, I hit my head got frustrated and was slashing my wrist... Again..." Sky says, "And this is iHasCupquake, or Tiffy."

I Can Heal You (SkyQuake)Where stories live. Discover now