A Letter for Winner

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This letter actually had been written few months ago when i join positive plant competition. That was online competition where we should made writings (essay,poem, or letter) which could give positive vibe. If that positive plant competition has a wattpad account, i would be so much pleasure to dedicate this first part to it.

This letter originally was written in Indonesian language, has translated with some parts are edited. Hope you enjoy it!

To the dearest readers who pleasurely spend your time to read this writing

Hi, nice to meet ya!

This letter is specially dedicated for the winners. They who got champion soul, who survive in hard struggle to fight for their 'stupid dreams'. This letter is specially written for them, so, if you feel that you aren't them, i advice you for not read the next paragraphs.

This letter is also made for them who today still stands on their feet all alone, even many circumstances come and it feels like "Oh, i better give up." But they dont to that. Hi, winner, this letter is for you.

Have you ever feel it? When we were still little, the world feels like the safest place in this galaxy. There was oxygen and water and everything. Can you just imagine if we were living in Mars and we were just talking with one word said "bip, bip, bip." (the hell, we couldn't even exist at there yet)

But yes, more than just oxygen and water, there were mom and dad, who always ready to give all the affection for us, completing what we need There were good friends, good neighbor, felt like everybody love you. Our life was happy and peaceful. And we thought, that's how lfe should go for the next next few years.

But you grow up few years later and find that life isn't as easy as you think.

That peaceful and joyful feeling are suddenly gone. When you grow up, you realise that the world isn't being nice anymore to you, some of your friends are just 'friends for benefit', the lesson at your school is going to be harder, people around you seem to discriminate you. They say "Just be yourself." but then they judge you. In the same time, maybe your parents are divorced, or somehow your mom should work abroad and you can't meet her usually while in the deep inside of your heart, it says that you need her the most. Or the worst case happens, when you're beloved one gone.

You start to think "The hell, what's going on here? Why the world is just so cruel to me?"

You try to find motivation, you hear song 'I will Survive', hoping that you'll gain some motivation but somehow your damn playlist play 'Get It Right' song.

You hear the lyric

" Cause my best intention keep making a mess of things

I just wanna fix it somehow

But how many times will it take to get it right?"


How to get my peaceful and joyful my life back? How to go back to my childhood life?

The time when all the things were felt right.

And that time, you feel like you are in the zero point of your life. Your zero point.

You drown, you sink, you can't help yourself alone, you're mad and no one help you.

You cry but nobody hear you. You are lost. Really really lost.

Well, buddy, this letter is not written to tell you "You gotta survive!" or "Life must go on!"

That's too hard. That's easy for them to say because they aren't you. They're not you who feels sad, devastated, angry, mad, lost, and mess. They aren't you who survives and stands today. How many times they say that they do understand you, they don't. Because they are not you.

I am not suffering it too but let me tell you this,

You are a winner.

for being in here and reading this letter, you are the winner. For smiling even though you were hurt, even when you weren't okay but pretend to be okay. buddy, you are that winner.

People can say anything about you. Useless, dumbhead, stupid, weirdo, but you are the winner. Because you still survive in here.

After many circumstances come, you are still in here.

This letter is particulary made for you, to appreciate your strength on fighting each struggle in your life. Your life thanks you for not ending it up when you were in the lowest point.

Maybe it's hard for you to tell your true feeling to people around you, but you are not alone. You still have God. God is ready to hear all your stories, He's ready to wipe your every single tears. You do still have God, buddy.

You are the winner, you're worth a better life. Advices, wisdoms, or even this letter will always be useless, because truthfully, it's only you who can change your life. And i believe, if you already survive this far, you surely can step forward and make the things up.

You may find this letter as part of competition, but my aim of writing it is not only to win. I hope that whoever read this outside there can appreciate their own strength when faces hard struggle, start to thank for their life and able to step forward.

Buddy, you are the winner, survive and fight till the end. I trust that you can.

Sincerely, R.

Thought comes around the midnight, thoughts then become a letter.

In here, i wish you be bright, i hope you be better.

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