Red Death

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All I hear are my heavy footsteps pounding against the wooden floor. My dark, empty house makes every sound I make eccho through the hallway. Faster, faster- I have to run faster.

I trip on a small rug but pick myself up again. Rubbing my hand against my eye, I look at my palm to see the red substance staining my skin. I'm still bleeding, I can't stop bleeding.

I need to make the bleeding stop, why won't it stop. Someone make it stop. It's been two days, so why won't the bleeding stop?!

Panting, I stop at the end of the hallway leaning on the wall. I feel like I can collapse any second. Why me? This isn't fair!

I hear the quick thudding again, the floor shaking a little. Crap, I have to keep going, this is bad. What kind of hallucination is this?

I fall to my knees, weak, crawling across the floor. With one hand, I push the door to my bedroom open, crawl in, and close it behind me. I sit on the floor, my back against the cold door in a fetal position. I shut my eyes, hiding my face against my knees.

I can't see anything. Good. I wish I couldn't hear anything, feel anything, I wish this wasn't happening. What's happening?

What was happening? Thinking this over a few more times, I slowly look up from my knees and I see a dark figure before me. His blood splattered black hoodie, and worse, the white skeleton-like mask with red dripping out of its eye sockets.

Also, I'd expect the last thing I would see was black. But no.... it was red.

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