Love Is A Funny Thing - Romance

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Hand in hand, we walked into the pasture, me skipping, Nate walking. 

"Come on Nate. Skip with me!" I squealed in joy. I released his hand and skipped ahead.

"Men don't skip."

 I stop in my tracks. "Oh please."

"True shit Steph." He sighs, jogging over. "True shit." 

"Please?" I whine. I give him my signature puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine" He groans. "But only 'cause I love you." I run over and take his hand and together we skip. Well, I skip and he looks like a lopsided limping idiot. 

I fall to the ground in laughter and he stops.


"You know what." I say between breaths.

"No, educate me."


"What Stephanie? What the fuck now?" He asks irritated.

"You skip like an idiot."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you skip like an idiot." I recovered myself.

"And you skip perfectly?" He glared at me, but his eyes gave him away.

"Yep." I smirked. 

"Oh please,"

"At least I don't look like a dumbass when I skip Nate."

"So that's how it is." He faked hurt. "I take you to a pasture and treat you to a picnic and you insult my skipping skills? You really did hurt me Stephanie. In here." He pointed to his chest.

"Your chest?" I asked.

"No, my heart stupid."

"Your face is stupid."

He laughed. "That was a fail."

I pouted.

"But maybe that's why I love you Stephanie." He sat down next to me and kissed me. At first I was stiff, but eventually I moved with him, passionately.

I stand up, but Nate gets on one knee.

"Nate, what the.."

"Stephanie, from the first time I met you, I knew I loved you. And after the full two years we've been dating, I still love you. Please be mine, please marry me."

I break into tears, of joy, of course. "Yes, yes a million times yes!"

Nate instantly pulls me into a hug and pecks my lips. Then he slides the ring onto my finger, making me giggle uncontrollably.

"You are a fail." He laughs.

"Now I'm your fail." 

"That was corny."

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