Chapter 20

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Karah's POV

It's Monday morning and I'm just getting out of my truck to head into school, cue the tan dodge and eye rolling. I start to walk quicker but I hear jogging up behind me. I give up and let him catch up to me.

"Hi" I reply bored.

"Did you you forget you have to hang out with me today?"he asks.

" Yeah, I got amnesia. Who are you again?"I roll me eyes for the second time today.

"Yeah, right ,you couldn't forget this -he motions to himself- even with amnesia "he states.

" sure" I mumble under my breath.

We walk closer to the building and I feel an arm drape over me. I should think up some karate move so I can get him to stop,but that's too much wasted effort.


It is sixth period and I have successfully went through all my classes without having to talk much to Keith. Rrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg. Thank goodness for the bell that releases everyone from this hell hole aka school. I walk as fast as I can to get to my truck and climb in,I look over and Keith's truck is .......gone? I guess maybe he had the same idea I had.

I don't give it much thought until I drive to my wonderful home...........and There It Is! There is no one inside the truck,and no one in the yard either. I carefully walk up to my door to find it locked as normal. I unlock it and walk inside to put my stuff down. As I look around there's no one in the house either.

Okay. This is weird. I walk over to feed barn and open the door . The feed scoop isn't in feed bag. As I begin to walk over to the duckling cage I spot a familiar blue flannel shirt.

"Keith?"I call out questioning. He doesn't respond, instead just latches the door before turning around and walking this way. "I figured if I fed the animals for you we'd have more time to hang out " he states as if it's a simple answer.

"Okay?" I say/ask then start walking towards the house. I open the door and walk inside, him following. I get to the living room and just stand looking at him. "So what do you want to do?"

"Movie?"he suggests.

"Sure,what movie?"instead of answering he just goes over and starts looking through the shelf of movies.

" Finding Nemo?"

" Really, Finding Nemo?" I just look at him funny.

"It used to be one of my favorites andI haven't seen it in forever"

"It's about a single dad who's wife has been murdered by a cold-blooded killer and is left with his handicapped son. Then the son got kidnapped and he goes to find his son with the help of a mentally ill woman" I state.

"You just completely ruined my childhood. "

I just shrug and sit down on the couch. He finally decides on Insurgent. He puts the movie. He comes and sits beside be but decides to forcibly get me to lay my head on his shoulder. I just give him a look as if to say 'why'. He shrugs" Just to show I can be a good bo-friend,To show I can be a good friend."

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