Chapter 75: Tension

Start from the beginning

"Holy shit!" Zak exclaimed.

Finally! But- the light is now red?!

"I swear to God, it was orange," I said.

"I believe you," Zak said - which was probably the nicest thing he had said to me in the past hour, as he was panning his camera in front of him - rapidly changing different settings.

This light - or orb - whatever it was, was getting brighter again, and was clearly amongst the trees, as I could see the light illuminating the trees around it.

"You see it, right?" I asked.

"Yes, but I can't catch it in my goddamn camera!" Zak replied in frustration, still struggling with his camera.

Oh boy...


Zak and I had spent about another thirty minutes filming the orb, following it into the forest, but we never were able to determine what it was.

After it had disappeared and we were pretty sure it wasn't coming back, we packed up our equipment and placed it back into the ATV, Zak and I resuming our silence.

Zak and I climbed back into our respective seats of the ATV and Zak started it up again. After putting it into drive, I was surprised when Zak turned the ATV around and started driving back the way we had come.

I guess we're done for the night...I thought.

I had to admit, despite the excitement over the orb, I was relieved. I had had enough of this forest, and the tension between Zak and I was becoming unbearable.


The day after our separate investigations, Zak, Aaron, Billy, Jay and I had all met up in a hotel in Hunedoara as planned, and we spent the day going over each other's evidence and discussing our investigations.

Zak and I still hadn't made up from our fight, and on top of that, we both felt miserable with what I assumed were the start of colds. I tried not to dwell on the memory of the story the teenage boy had told us the day before, about how some believe it's possible to "catch diseases" from the forces in the forest.

Not possible...I tried to tell myself.

On top of the cold, my upper arm was also sore, and bruised, from where Zak had been gripping it during his asthma attack, but I didn't fill him in on that detail.

If Aaron, Billy and Jay had picked up on the tension between Zak and I, they didn't say anything to us. But eventually, the footage from my camera had aired our argument after his asthma attack. It was super embarrassing and upsetting to sit through, but I knew Zak most likely wanted the guys to get the full story of his paranormal/asthma attack and the aftermath.

Or maybe he was trying to turn them against me by letting them hear what I had said about the investigation, and about taking the job. I couldn't handle it. I had gotten up shortly after the footage started, excusing myself quietly and left the hotel room.

When I left, I went to Cheryl and Aaron's hotel room (yes, they were sharing a room) and discussed with her what had gone on between Zak and I, and asked her opinion on the situation.

She had said she could see both sides.

She agreed with me that Zak could have taken the asthma attack more seriously, and probably should have returned to the hotel. But she could also see Zak's side, that these investigations were our jobs, and he was probably upset about what I had said to him about the investigation being stupid, and having also said I was "beginning to wish" I hadn't taken the job.

I hadn't meant what I said, I was just so shaken up and upset at the time after his asthma attack. Unfortunately, a part of me was being stubborn.

Why should I be the one to apologize first?

The last lockdown was going to be hell.


It was day two for all of us in Hunedoara.

Zak and I still hadn't talked, and now we were doing our pre-interviews before our final lockdown in Transylvania, at Hunedoara Castle. The Hunedoara Castle was famous for torture, and it was a place where Vlad Dracula had been held prisoner.

After Vlad's second reign of Wallachia, he traveled to Braşov to seek an alliance with Matthias Corvinus, the King of Hungary, but he was arrested for treason. Vlad was locked in a cell beneath the castle floor.

We had met up with Andrei again – which seemed to put Zak in an even more foul mood - and spent the day doing interviews with various people about the Castle, including a man who had worked as a security guard for over 20 years.

With the help of Andrei translating for us, the guard had told us a story that one night, after hours, he had let a group of Satanic Worshippers into the castle. They had gone to a chapel located inside, and had begun chanting in a language he didn't understand. Later that evening after they had left, the rear doors of the castle - where the group had initially entered - began opening and closing by themselves.

Wonderful...I thought.

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