Max's P.O.V

HOLY CRAP! Y/N looks so afraid. My heart feels heavy watching her cry. Wait.. why do I feel like that.

"You, redhead, give me that necklace you are wearing!" He nodded his head toward my Z necklace.

"Let her go first." The words slipped out before I could stop them.

"What are you her boyfriend, well if you want her to keep breathing, you will shut up and hand it over NOW!" Y/N looked down at me with sad, tear-filled eyes. Then I lost complete control. I stood up and punched the guy, knocking him out with one blow. The man behind the counter had already called the police and they were here in 2 minutes flat. Y/N gave me a tight hug, repeating 'thank you' over and over. I hugged back to calm her down, Red rubbing his hands down her back.

"Thanks for saving me little sis Max."

"No problem." Y/N looked up and me and gave me a grateful smile.

"Excuse me sir, I am Officer Smith, you did a great thing, are you ok young lady?" The officer asked Y/N.

"Thanks to Max." She said.

"Hey." It was the owner of the sushi place, since we were here a lot, he knew the gang pretty well. "You guys can have free sushi anytime!" This made Adam happy.

"Max, I am giving you a raise!" Adam said.

~Time skip back to the offices.~


I thought I was going to die then, but Max saved me. I may have made him slightly embarrassed with the hugs and thank you's but I was grateful. Max was currently setting up my monitor for a 'Do Not Laugh' recording I had to do in an hour. I was setting up sound foam with Red. "Done!" Max had set up my monitor.

"Great, thanks!" I said.

"You can stop thanking me for everything, this is my job." He said.

"So it was your job to save mine, and everyone's lives at the sushi place?" I asked. He smiled at this.

"It was the right thing to do. I have to go edit Ross' build battle video. See you later."

"Later." I said as he left.

"I have to record a Crazy Craft with Adam, I will let you know when we need you for Do Not Laugh." I had almost forgotten Red was here.

"Thanks, later bro."

"Later." To pass the time, I set up my wallpaper on my monitor to an Undertale background and worked on a fanfiction I was writing on Wattpad. (What?)

~Do Not Laugh~

Still Y/N P.O.V

"Hey guys, Sky here, with some more do not laugh, I am here with Mithzan or Max, YOUTUBE SENSATION REDVACTOR and Red's sister Y/N! Lets try to get 30,000 likes and I promise you nothing will happen. The concept is simple, the first person to 3 points wins, to get points you need to make the person in the centre laugh. Y/N you are new so get in the centre."

"Make me laugh you dorks!" I said.

"Challenge excepted!" Max said. He told me to turn around so I did a 360 spin. "Really?" He sounded amused.

"FINE!" I turned my back to him. Once he was done prepping his joke I turned around.


Max's P.O.V

I heard Y/N giggle. It was cute... ugh what is wrong with me, am I just tired? "That voice slays me!" She was laughing harder now. I went to give myself a point and saw my name.

"What is S/N? (Ship name.)" I asked

"Well since you saved Y/N's life, I created a ship for you two." Adam said evilly. Ugh.

"FUCK YOU ADAM!" Y/N was mad.

"See, you two are perfect for each other, you are both so mad!" Adam fangirled. "COMMENT S/N EVERYONE!"

"Hey Max." Y/N said. "I will tackle him, you kill him." I agreed and we ran over to Adam's office. Y/N pinned him to the ground and I playfully kicked him in the arm. He faked being hurt. I managed to get a good look at Y/N. Her beautiful E/C (Eye colour) and lovely H/C (Hair colour) matched perfectly. Her smile was stunning and... WHAT AM I SAYING!?


Max is so cute when he is mad... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME TODAY!?

~Time skip to the end of the recording.~

"Congratulations on winning your first Do Not Laugh Y/N!" Max said to me. His dreamy eyes lit up. Ugh, WHAT IS GOING ON?

"Thanks Max." I said.

"Everyone has gone home, I will see you tomorrow." He said waving. Then it hit me.

"Wait has Red gone? He drove me here so I cannot get home!" Max turned and looked at me.

"I will drive you." Max offered.

"Thank you."

"I said stop thanking me!" I knew he wasn't really angry.

"No!" I said like a 5 year old. Just then Red texted me: 'Just realised I did not drive you home, shall I pick you up?' I replied: 'No, Max said he would drive me, see you tomorrow.' The he replied: 'Have fun S/N.' Ugh dammit Red. I told Max the address and he took me back to my place.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight Max."

A/N: Well I hope you liked this super long first chapter. I love writing these. Be sure to leave a vote and a comment, until the next chapter, I appreciate your existence. Yes I am stealing that, sue me.

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