The end.

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I am sorry but this is the epilogue. I have dragged this story on and there is nothing more to add to it. I also have started a new story for a friend that would mean a lot to me if you could support. Here is the end, I am sorry it is short.


Sebastian was born healthy and the spitting image of his dad. The kids came to their powers and were able to control them and use them for good. Max lived his dream and we both became big on YouTube. We live happily with our kids and dream careers, I am so glad I met him. We still meet up with everyone from the offices every Sunday to hang out.

When the kids grew up, Sophie ended up marrying Mason, so Adam, Alesa and Max and I all became related. (Bet you didn't see that coming!) Sophie is expecting twins that she is going to call Y/N and Max after us. Life turned out great and it was worth the struggles we went through.

"Y/N. I love you." Max said to me.

"I love you too."

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