Chapter One

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I pushed the razor blade into my wrist as tears poured down my cheeks. I never push it in enough to severely hurt me, but enough to make it bleed. Enough to feel the pain.

"Paisley?" Someone called from somewhere in the house.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself as I pulled my sweatshirt sleeve down and threw the blade into the top drawer of my desk.

"Paisley?" The voice yelled again, and I recognized it as my best friend Peyton.

"Hold on a damn minute." I hollered back as I wiped the tears from my face and put my black hair in a messy bun on my head. I slowly walked out of my room and down the stairs where four of my best friends waited with huge grins plastered on their faces.

"What?" I crossed my arms. They always show up unannounced at my house, and its times like these where it pisses me off.

"You're going to love us" Ian smiled.

"Every time you say that, I regret my choice of friends." I complained, and in a way its true. I always get into some sort of trouble when their around.

"Not today." Rhett grinned as he pushed his red hair out of his face.

"But first we got you this." Owen smiled as he handed me a small package.

I opened it and smiled. Inside was a charm bracelet with seven charms on it. it had a charm with bff on it, and the other charms had out initials on it. A tear slid down my cheek when I saw the small football with G.A.T engraved on it.

" I love it. Thanks you guys." I smiled as I put it on and then I hugged them.

"Well you're about to love us even more." Peyton grinned. " Happy Birthday. We know you don't want a party, but you really couldn't expect us not to get you presents. What kind of friends would we be?" he handed me another small package.

"The bracelet was enough you guys." I said as I held the unopened package in my hand.

"Just shut up and open it." Owen said as he jumped up and down.

"Fine, you bossy ass." I mumbled as I ripped it open.

"Well?" Rhett asked.

"You got me tickets AND backstage passes to a One Direction Concert?" I asked in pure disbelief.

"Yes." Peyton stated like he was the happiest person alive. He could be, but im not far behind him.

"You were right, I love you." I squealed. "But, I don't have anyone to go with." I pouted at the thought of going alone. I don't have any girlfriends. Growing up they annoyed me, so I always hung out with the boys.

"Yes you do. We know how you are, and we weren't about to let you go alone. So we decided, that since I am your favorite, I am going to go." Ian replied.

"My favorite?" I laughed.

"Yeah. And, I am the only one who can take you." he pouted. "Honestly, I don't want to go. But, I love you enough to go through with this so you can enjoy yourself on your birthday."

"I love you guys." I said, as I hugged them again.

"Well, we better go. You have got a little over two hours before the concert." Rhett called over his shoulder as he walked out the front door.

"Two hours?" I looked at the clock. Its 5:46. "Bye guys, I love you. Im going to go get ready Ian." I called as I ran up the stairs and into my room.

"So, what are you going to wear?" Ian asked as he walked in and sat on my bed.

"Im not sure." I walked over to my closet and started pulling out my long sleeved shirts.

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