Chapter 3

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     A few weeks passed and Annie and John still haven't heard anything about the trial. John was on his way home from work when he got a text from Annie.

                                      Meet me at Weston's Cafe  -Annie

     When he arrived Annie was sitting there with a big smile on her face. She was holding a small childs toy.

     "What's up Annie?" John said. Annie full of excitement couldn't hold it in any longer.

     "I'm pregnant John!" Annie exclaimed. John was shocked! He was very extatic!

     "OMG Annie that's amazing!" John replied. He now had a huge smile too!

     "I knew you'd be happy!"

     All they could do was smile and laugh with joy! John drove the two of them home and they sniggled by the fire so happy they didn't even realize it!

     Ring, Ring! The phone went off and ruined this perfect moment.

     "Hello, this is John." John answered

     "So you've basicly called to tell me you have nothing!"John hung up the phone, still happy about the idea of being a father. He was also terrified. He was terrified about what happened to his brother.

     "Honey I am running to Babies R us to buy stuff for the baby, ok?" John said

     "Okay." Annie said kinda concerned about John."John?"

     "Yes?" John replied

     "Are you okay?"

     "I am fine, Love you!"

     "Love you too, John!"

     As John left to go shopping for cribs and other things for the baby, he left Annie... Alone.

Ryans POV

     "Hello? Please answer me! Are you there?" Ryan pleaded.

     "Yes." Ryan heard. He couldn't see anyone, but he heard them.

     "Why are you doing this to me?" Ryan asked.

     "I told you, you need to be punished for what you did."

     "What did i do?" Ryan asked, knowing already what he did.

     "That's for you to find out!"

Ryan heard no response.

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