Chapter 9 3/4: The chapter I cut in half just to be evil :P

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Edited 1/17/2016

I stood with my mouth wide open.

Niece? I thought, No. No, I misunderstood. Yes, that's it! I misunderstood. I can't possibly be his niece! Mom didn't have any siblings, and he isn't a Malfoy... I just misheard him, I misheard him...

I kept repeating that to myself like a mantra, until Snape opened the door. He stepped through as if everything was normal and said, "You will serve your detentions Monday and Tuesday, Miss Malfoy. I expect you no later than 8:00. The headmaster would like a word with you."

Nodding, unable to say anything, I walked in the office. Dumbledore looked up and smiled. "Ah, Reinette. I assume you heard everything?"

I nodded again. Dumbledore chuckled."Shocking, isn't it? Severus didn't quite believe you were the Reinette Malfoy he once knew, either. Until the thievery incident this morning."

"You heard about that?" I asked, confused.

"Severus rushed to my office the very minute you left, to verify your true identity. Apparently, despite me telling him otherwise, Professor Snape believed your name was just a pseudonym to protect your true identity. Quite a ridiculous idea, wasn't it?" Dumbledore said, still smiling.

"I'm not sure I believe it myself," I admitted.

"You can believe it, Reinette. It is the truth and nothing will change that."

"Professor, if Snape is my uncle, then why hasn't my mother ever mentioned him?" I asked. As far back as I can remember, I had never heard my mom mention having a brother or sister once; and, I'm pretty sure a fact like that would be hard to forget. Especially if your brother would become your daughter's teacher.

Dumbledore looked as if he wasn't sure he should answer my question. After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke. "When she was around 20, your mother joined the Order of the Phoenix along with two of her friends," Dumbledore paused again, as if thinking of what to say next, "After she married your father, Voldemort found out she was an Order member and was enraged, threatening both her life and Phillius'. For their safety everyone agreed it was best if the two went into hiding; this idea worked for a few years-- until you were about two and a half-- when a few desperate deatheaters found Phillius and attempted to kill him. They had apparently found your mother when she snuck out to visit Severus with you. After that attack, your father was deigned a traitor to the deatheaters and was targeted. It was this that led you to move to America, and an Oblivious charm was cast on your mother so she could go into hiding more efficiently, without having to fear for her family. A Fidelius charm was also placed, with Severus as her secret keeper," he finished. Did he sound different near the end of that story? I wondered, studying the old headmaster, Nah, I'm imagining things.

"Why Snape?" I questioned, "He was a deatheater! Voldemort knows Legilimency, and with Snape being around him so much, he could've found out, don'tya think?"

"If the Fidelius charm was used with someone else, possibly yes," Dumbledore agreed, "but, you must remember, Professor Snape is a superb Occlumens."

"Oh yeah," I grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck, "I forgot about that..."

"It's quite alright," Dumbledore nodded, "We all forget minuscule details now and again. Now, are there anymore questions you would like to ask me?"

"Is there any possible way to fix the Oblivious charm without using magic, by any chance?"

"Yes, and it is quite simple," Dumbledore answered, "If Eileena were to see Severus or any other member of her family, the charm would be broken instantaneously; but if you would prefer, you may also try mentioning the name 'Eileena Snape' to her. That should work just as well, if you were wanting to send your mother one of your little 'videos' I believe they are called?"

"How do you know about those?" I gasped.

"Oh, Reinette!" Dumbledore chuckled, "There is not much that happens in this school that I do not know about. Besides, you weren't exactly keeping them a secret, now were you? In fact, if you look closely in one of them, you'll find that I wave to the camera in the background."


"Maybe," Dumbledore winked, "Now, I do believe Lunch has almost ended. It may be a Saturday, but I doubt you want to spend an afternoon in a dusty old room listening to the ramblings of an old geezer. Off you pop!"

"Yes, sir," I smiled, turning to leave.

"Oh, Reinette?" Dumbledore called as I began my descent down the staircase. "Might I have one last word?"

"Yes, sir?" I asked, climbing back up the few steps to stand in the doorway.

Dumbledore had a whispy smile on his face, as if he were reminiscing the good ol' days. "Do try to be nicer to Severus from now," Dumbledore said, "You two got on so well when you were younger, I should like to see such a relationship again."

"I'll try, sir," I nodded, turning back to the steps. I doubted Snape and I would be the best of friends, but we could at least get along. "Good day, Professor."

As I left the final few steps, I a sad sigh and someone mutter, "Oh, Reinette, I am most sure you'll be furious with me when you find it all out, but I do hope you understand..."



So, any ideas what Dumbledore meant? 

Oh! Has everyone heard about the new movie 'Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them'?

I can't wait for it!!! Do y'all think it will be good?


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