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Hey! My favorite people! Let's get on with the story! (ps. It gets gory in this chapter).

Chase's Pov.

I woke up in a dark room. My arms were hanging above my head, and I felt chains bearing into them. I groaned, my everything hurt, and remembering what happened last night, I realized that maybe it jacked up my bionics, because I couldn't hear anything.  I heard the door creak open, so maybe I can hear. I thought to myself. The man came in and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. He was a burly man, with tattoos all over his shaven head. I could tell I shouldn't mess with this guy. He was carrying a big black duffel bag.

"Why, hello there. I'm glad you're awake. My name is Gruffy. Enjoy your stay." The man (or Gruffy) laughed. I gritted my teeth. Gruffy pulled a camera out of his bag. "I am going to video this, and send it to your friend, Adam. Who is he anyway?" Gruffy said. My heart slammed against my chest. I was afraid to tell him who Adam was, he might use that against me. I gulped. "Well?" Gruffy was getting impatient. "I know who you are. I know that your name is Chase Davenport, and I know you just showed up all the sudden a few months ago. And, I have your family's email. I'm guessing Adam is your brother." I swallowed back a nervous chuckle. How did he know? "I was right. He is your brother." Gruffy laughed again. Chase glared at the ground.

"Do you know how to set up a webcam?" Asked Gruffy pulling a laptop out of the duffel. He began to fuss with it, but he wasn't doing anything right. I clenched my jaw, I wanted to do it for Gruffy. I was so frustrated, it always bugs me when someone cant do something that I think is so easy. Eventually I gave up. "Just give it to me!" I shouted, getting exasperated. Gruffy looked back at me, "You sure you can figure it out?" I rolled my eyes, I wanted to tell him I was the smartest man in the world but I refrained. I nodded, deeming it best not to reply. He let me down and I quickly set up the webcam.

He shoved me back towards the chains, and hung me back up. I squirmed. Adam picked up, I saw his face turn from confusion to anger. I started to say something, but Gruffy glared me down. "Well now, I'm going to hurt your dear baby brother here, and you can't track this building. You can hang up, but that would just tell Chasey here, that you don't love him." Gruffy grinned, while Adam darkened.

Gruffy grabbed a tazer stick out of the duffle, my eyes widened as Gruffy stabbed me with the stick. I couldn't hold back my screams, and I could barely hear Adam yelling. After what seemed like eternity, Gruffy pulled the stick away. I took in shallow breaths, trying to conserve air. I heard Adam growl, and he turned away from the screen, where a sizzling sound followed his actions. He turned back to me and Gruffy. Gruffy pulled out a knife, and hammer, I didn't like where this was going. Gruffy turned to me and shoved that knife into my chest, right above my collar bone, I yelled through gritted teeth, as sweat poured down my skull. Then Gruffy surprised me, he took the hammer and smashed it into the knife handle, sending the handle into my skin. I almost cried.

Using pliers Gruffy slowly pulled out the knife, he did this several more times, not enough to kill me, but enough to make me feel like I needed to die. I wasn't sure how long i would last. I was beginning to feel drowsy, a sign that I was close to death. The most scary part was, I wanted it.

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