Part 7: The Sadness

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Who was this person? Why is he here? But, suddenly I recognized another voice. "Boys! Where are you!" It was mom.

"Mom!" both Taiyō and I said. "How did you find us?" She didn't answer, she was basically strangling us. We both could feel her love through the tight hug she gave.

"Come on we have to go now!" mom said. That man was still fighting. But, he was fighting with a very unusual weapon. He was using a two-handed great sword that shot out death and blinding speed. I've never seen a weapon such as this. I could feel the shockwave of each shot he fired.

"Well then start running Clara!" Said the stranger as if he knew mom. Did he know mom? We will just have to ask her after we're safe. We started running with that man following behind us. She told us don't look back. I felt each shockwave from his blade, even from a far distance.

Suddenly, an arrow zoomed passed my face just barely cutting my cheek. Suddenly, we slowed down and all of us fell at once. It shot mom in her back. It went through her back and pierced her heart. "NO!" screamed Taiyō. I was just devastated. Instantly I fell in despair. That man who we knew nothing of also cried. He picked us up and ran us home.

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