Chapter Nineteen

Começar do início

        "But, what?" He asked me, looking down with a furrowed brow. I shook my head, placing a small smile on my lips. I didn't want to talk of that now. Not when we were only starting to see things from the others perspective.

        But, then I remembered. My Father had always told me to see with the third eye, and with that, I could see the other person for who they were, and not the outwards appearance of them.

        Turning to Kratos, I reached up to hold his face in my hands. For a moment, he was startled, allowing the pads of my fingertips to brush against the smooth skin of his jaw and temples. Reaching up on my toes, Kratos placed his hands on my hips, holding me close as I pressed our foreheads together. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to see him, remember all that had happened.

         Images of our meeting, the way he held himself, the kindness that was under the surface of my knowing, and the way he tried to care for me. Memory after memory flooded my mind, showing me how -even when the opportunity was there- it was never my place to kill him. He didn't deserve to die, not by my own hand, and certainly not by anyone elses. The heart that was beating in his chest, the very one that was now connected to mine, was the one thing in this world that I held most dear.

        Looking back at our life together, I could see the struggles, the anger, the smiles, the laughter, all the while he never pushed me. There were times when he crossed the line, but I had done the same. Yet, if neither of us had taken that first step, we wouldn't be standing here together. None of this would have happened. And the thought of never meeting him, getting to know the little things that made him smile, learning of how his Father had risen up from nothing, it only made the connection between us stronger.

        "We have to be honest with our feelings," I whispered, feeling the single tear drip down my cheek. "And as simple as it seems, it is the most challenging thing that I will ever have to do." Kratos pressed his lips against my forehead as I stepped closer into his arms. "And what I am about to say is not to harm you, but to save my people."

        I felt the air shift between us then, and the soft caress of his lips changed into a hard press. His fingers tightened into my sides, and I knew he was bracing for the impact. But, we both knew this day would eventually come. And I feared that my time was short, as was the Kingdoms.

      "I believe-" I started, but I was instantly stopped. Something didn't feel right. Opening my eyes, I moved slightly to were I could see the pure rage in his eyes. He didn't look at me, nor did he look at our surroundings. A chill went down my spine at the look in his eyes, the blue no longer there, just black. I hadn't seen him this enraged before. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I tried to see what was the matter. I hadn't spoken ill words, had done nothing to cause his anger, yet here it was.

       "Don't." He said through gritted teeth, refusing to look at me. He didn't seem to be looking at anything, blocking his mind out from the world. It was just like looking at a mirror in my rage. No emotions were shown on his face, it was as lifeless as a stone. But, the eyes danced in rage, dangerously stepping onto the flames to fuel it. "Do not say anything else." Blinking a few times, I tilted my head backwards to look better at him. His jaw was twitching with each moment he clamped his teeth together, grinding slowly.

         "And what is it that you thought I was going to say?" I asked, leaving my face as dead as his own. Two could play this childish guessing game. But, then again, I suppose I couldn't call it childish when it had been engraved into my mind for so many decades now. 

          "The very thing that keeps me up at night." Kratos let a breath out of his nose, refusing to look down at me. I shook my head, releasing myself from his death-like grip. His head and eyes snapped towards me once I took those few steps back from him. I wasn't enraged, fearful, or happy. In this very moment, I felt nothing and everything at the same time. So here it was, the one thing that I knew would hurt both of us, leaving a deep scar that might never heal, but it was needed.

The King's Possession -- Book Two: WaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora