The Project

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"Hey! It was just a joke!" Nick said shaking his head


"Ah. The bell, I'll see you around Nick," Ceyla said relieved, she got up and hurried out the door leaving Nick behind. She was off to English while Nick went to History.

"Thought she would laugh at that..." Nick thought to himself as he slowly picked up his books.

Meanwhile in social class...


"Owie!" Dawn screeched as her stuff scattered around her.

She slowly crawled around desperately trying to pick her papers up.

"And yet again no one is going to help me." She muttered to herself.

"That's just the way people are, they're not gonna waste their 'precious' time to help you."

Dawn looked around.

"Oh you..." Dawn locked eyes with Ether.

"Don't worry though, I'll help. By the way where is that stupid friend of yours? Probably ditched you again, am I right?" Ether hissed.

"Like it matters to you. Just go away, I'm fine." Dawn looked down at her papers, trying to ignore Ether.

Ether strutted off, Dawn started tearing up.

"Jeez, what a jerk, how do you put up with that?" Dawn didn't recognize the voice.

She looked up to see the boy staring down at her.

"What are you looking at?" Dawn growled at the boy.

The mysterious boy started to help her pick up the papers.

"I don't want people mistreating others like that, it just bothers me, didn't mean to make you upset" He explained.

"Thanks for helping me. I didn't mean to overreact like that" Dawn said apologetically.

"No worries, what's your name?" He asked.

"Dawn, and yours?" She asked

"Nick, I'm new here. Wait do you know a girl named Ceyla?" He asked Dawn.

"Yes, her and I are best friends. You know her?" She asked.

"Yeah, I had art with her. She mentioned you, something about a drawing." Nick explained.

"Oh that's nice, but I gotta head to History. Which class are you going to?" She asked

"Same class, could you show me the way?" He asked.

"Yeah, no problem" She smiled at the guy.

As they walked down the hall to their History class, Dawn gazed at Nick.

"Holy crap, he's kinda sweet and well cute... Gosh, what's wrong with me! I don't even know him," Dawn thought as she shook her head

"Something wrong?" Nick asked

"Oh nothing..." Dawn explained, her face turning bright red.

"Really? You seem to be blushing." He smirked.

"No, no! I'm ok, don't worry!" Dawn said screaming internally, sweat covering her face.

They entered the class and the teacher turned to them, looking very surprised.

"Dawn this is the first time you've been late. Why is this happening?"

"Sorry ma'am I dropped all my work and the new student helped me gather my things." Dawn explained

"Oh, a new student. What is your name?" The teacher said looking at Nick

"My name is Nick Ro'Mere" Nick stated

"Well Nick we are very glad to have you in our class and why don't you take a seat next to Dawn, since you already seem to have made friends with her"

They silently walked over to their seats and sat to listen to the teacher

"Today we will be having a group assignment about the lifestyles in Edo Japan. The groups can be up to two people per group and the instructions will be on the sheet I'm going to hand out"

The students scattered into their groups leaving Dawn and Nick alone

"Well, I guess that means we will be working together" Dawn said awkwardly to Nick

"Yes I guess so" Nick responded

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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