Chapter 12

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Jerome threw a diamond axe, hitting a Herobrine soldiers feet, causing him to fall into the lava pit. 3 Soldiers came up behind Artix, and he turned around, drew his golden sword and slashed the 3 of them. Trayaurus shot a Herobrine soldier in the head, causing a domino effect between 3 of them. Mason picked up a block of TNT, put it in his bow, and launched it at the fallen soldiers and they ran away. The next room had a stairwell going down, they all went down it, and ended up at a statue of what looked like Ender, although it was missing a few pieces. "Hey this looks like it goes to it!" Artix said, picking up a piece. He put it onto the statue, it glowed purple, and then started to move. It looked at Mason. "You are the Enderborn!" It said. "Save your words, and look into my eyes." They all looked into it's eyes, and saw a white flash of light and ended up in a new place, this place was in a tree, a treehouse, Jerome looked out of a window and all he could see was clouds below them. They looked behind their shoulders, the statue was there. "You guys will need more than that to fight Herobrine. Here, take some armor. He had 5 sets of full enchanted diamond, and they shared it equally, Alex tried to give Mason a piece, but the statue told him otherwise. "Mason come." He said. He took Mason to a strange room with drawings in the wall, of armor and a sword. "This is the Ender God armor, only able to be touched by the Enderborn. Mason touched it. It lit up purple and all of a sudden he was equipped with the god armor and sword, except the armor was purple unlike diamond, the strongest. "What is this?" He asked. "I just told you, bonehead!" Said the Statue, "It's god armor, there is no other known way to get this material, it is 40x stronger than diamond." Mason knew now it was time to go against Herobrine and take him down once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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