Shikamaru continued, "Who do we know that knows these books inside and out?" Naruto and I shared a quick glance before leaping from our seats. Shikamaru and Shiho looked puzzled. "Where are you two headed?" Naruto laughed, almost surprised by their lack of knowledge, regardless he grinned, "I think it's time to call Kakashi-Sensei, eh?"


Kakashi looked around going through the pages. "We're done then..?" He mumbled, still scarlet red as Shikamaru's face. Hell, I'm sure my face was priceless too. Having a Sensei you've known, maybe not the closest, but known for long enough to make any type of conversation like that.. Let's describe it as awkward and leave it there. Shiho looked down at the paper, seemingly unaffected, not unlike Naruto, by all of the writings Kakashi shared. "Now, let's read the first words in order." Her finger moved down each recorded sentence. "The.. Real.. One.. Isn't.. With.. Them.."

A moment of silence passed, everyone thinking hard about this message, until, "Uh. What the hell does that mean?" Naruto's bewildered expressed almost as strange as Shikamaru's had been a few seconds ago. 

Shikamaru stood up straight, glancing over to the toad that had come with Naruto. The frog seemed understanding of this message more than everyone here. "We should see Tsunade before diving into this heavily." He croaked. Shiho hopped up, closer to Shikamaru. "M-May I come?" He shook his head up and down. "Please do." Trying to hide my frown I turned away. "I uh- I actually need t-to do this thing. With um- I promised someone I'd help them out!" I had paused several times during the sentence, unable to totally figure out what it was I wanted to say till it poured from my mouth anyway. I fulfilled the quick urge to peck Shikamaru's cheek goodbye before hurrying away from the room, this time trying to hide my smirk at the faltering smile on Shiho's face. 

Reaching the outside, I headed away from the Hokage's building, making sure I wouldn't accidentally run into them. "Kitten, I never did take you to be the protective type, nonetheless I am highly amused." I turned, ready to speak back to the sassy cat that appears as he pleases, though words didn't leave my mouth when my eyes laid upon Tano with him. "T-Tano!? It hasn't even been-" I never finished explaining when Tano, seemingly doubled in size, pounced on me. "KI!! I'M FINALLY HERE! I WAS AT THE CRYSTAL AND KEIO LET ME COME WITH WHEN HE SAID HE WAS COMING HERE, ACTUALLY DAD MADE HIM TAKE ME, AND NOW I'M FINALLY HERE!!" His voice, still sounding young like an adolscent, yet no longer a small child's. The guilt I felt when I first seen him was gone. Tano was happy to be here, not angry with me for never following through with his request. 

Despite knowing he was simply happy being here, I pulled him off of my slowly, stroking his head. "Tano, I'm sorry about-" He yanked onto my hoodie, pulling me back to my feet forcibly, after he shook his head vividly. "It's okay! Dad and mom explained how missions kept you busy!" I looked away, scratching the back of my head. "Eheh.. Right, I had a lot of missions lately.." Tano didn't hear my hesitant voice and bounced up and down, his wide eyes gleaming in expectancy.

"So! So! What're we going to do first!? Meet the Hokage here? Hey, is the Kazekage here!? Oh, I wanna see Gaara agai-" A loud hiss erupted from Keio. "SHUT. UP." His head had lowered down in between his shoulders. Each time Tano had said something, it moved father downwards. His eyes were narrowed in annoyance. "But Keioooo, I'm finally here.." Whined Tano, not affected by Keio's harshness. "You're here because of me! And I happen to be wanting to stick around, so while I'm here, I'm not listening to that." He finished with his paw pushing on Tano's snout. 

"Affectionate like ever?" I voiced out, almost smirking. Keio caused trouble, so seeing him deal with his own is quite a show. He turned back, frowning his furry lips upon me. "Oh of couse.. The happiest cat around, Kitten." I ignored his sarcasm, beckoning Tano to follow behind Keio and me as I walked around the village, choosing spots with less people, avoiding people meant less stares at the growing lion behind. "Keio, how will you get ladies with that kind of tune?" I teased, laughing at his eye roll. "Ladies aren't my cup of tea honestly." I raised an eyebrow in question at that. "Meaning?" Keio mocked an offended look, happy to have a new ''game'' to play. "Take a guess?" "You're bad at flirting?" His shook his head. "Two more, Kitten." "Girls don't like you!!" Tano yelled, wanting in. Keio spun around, glaring at Tano until Tano's gaze dropped away. Keio turned back. "Give up?" I nodded. "I suppose.. You shouldn't be so mean to-"

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