Chapter 8

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It's been two weeks.

Two. weeks.

Fourteen days since Styles and I have even looked in each other direction. It was hard to look in each other direction though when one never showed. Not seeing Styles at least during the day was like a druggie not having it's drugs; it will drive you mad. I fidgeted in Lit, not hardly paying attention. I was jolted into reality whenever Mr. Romero would praise me for maintaining good grades in his class. It always amazed me how I could keep my grades up in all my classes when whenever I would faze out, Styles' face would pop into mind.


"Hmm?" I asked back, suddenly embarrassed by what I was doing. Zayn was near my locker, looking at me curiously. I covered up what happened between me and Styles that weekend up pretty easily but I could tell he was on the edge about it.

"I was asking have you seen or talked to Styles lately," He repeated, his eyes slightly narrowed and quickly changed them back.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes but couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice, "No I haven't, just like you haven't I suppose since you keep asking me." Or when I shut my locker door pretty hard. He's still jealous, I thought, ugh great.

"Damn I'm just asking no need for the attitude," He chides defensively.

I turned on him, "Why ask everyday Zayn? Why only me? Why do you only ask me?!"

He came closer, the constant smile on his face disappeared for the first time. His eyes go dark, his voice sarcastic, "Oh I don't know, maybe because I believe you guys are so close now; since you guys went on a weekend getaway to Atlanta with each other. Maybe because of that."

I gulped, he was really scaring me in this stage. "I think you're jealous-"

"Jealous of what?! Shit?!" He roared. People in the hallway got quiet and turned toward us. I looked at the floor and back up, Jessi caught my attention. She was walking towards us with a steady stride and fear in her eyes. Why fear? Oh wait for me, my conscience reminded me.

"Zayn calm down you're dragging attention to yourself," Jessi said slowly. Zayn's fist were clenched and his chest rising higher than usual. "Zayn please."

Zayn took one more look at me, then whispered, "Why would I be jealous of my best friend sleeping around with a whore? I was just being nice by talking to you, but I guess I should've never tried." With that he turned to walk away. When he turned down the hall you could hear his fist hit metal for the clang ringed down the hall.

"Dani you're okay, I promise," Jessi said in my ear as the usual routine of school kicked back into gear into the hallway. I didn't realize I was shaking until Jessi hugged me in a warm embrace.

"Wey hey!" Niall's voice pops up from the left. We both turn, a cheeky smile was across his face and a pep in his step, "Wait what happened? Jessi why is she crying?" Niall asked, wiping away tears I didn't know I was creating.

"It's nothing honestly Niall," I say, grabbing my book bag off the floor.

"Didn't seem like nothing Daniella," Liam says, walking up to us. He was looking down the hall where Zayn stalked off at, a mask of disapproval forming with his features. For some reason Liam never called me Dani but like to call me Daniella because he found it appropriate.

"What did he say?" Jessi asked.

"Nothing you didn't hear." I snapped, pushing past them.

I heard Louis tug Jessi back from following me, I was grateful that he did. Tears stung at my eyes as I ran to the bathroom. Hallways cleared as the final warning bell ranged. I stayed in the hallway, walking past my class not really caring if the teacher saw me or not, what was the point of going? Styles wasn't there to annoy me. I almost reached the front entrance until I saw Ms. Banks, "Damn her." I hissed, slipping into an unlocked door, shutting it silently. After the sound of her clicking heels died down the hall I slid to floor in an heap and cried, finally letting Zayn's words hit me. Boys, they never made me feel like this. Back in Sedona I was so strong, I didn't give a fuck. It's almost as if moving here to Rockland County has made me some type of wimp. I laughed quietly at myself mumbling, "Wimp? Dani? A wimp? I don't think so." I got up, about to go out when I heard voice coming down the room behind a closed door.

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