Chapter 6

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*Zayn's POV*

I looked out the small airplane window, missing her already. I tried calling her several times before I got on the plane, but she never answered. A small suspicion rose that she was with Styles but I knew Dani never liked him; she would always get quiet when his name was to pop up in a conversation. It was like she zoned herself out the topic of the sentence so she wouldn't have to hear it. I smiled at thinking of her.

Safaa looked over at me curious, "What has you smiling at three-thousand miles in the air?"

"That girl he's been leaving the house early for, that's who." My other sister, Waliyha, said rolling her eyes.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, getting slightly annoyed that my sister has never accepted none of the girls I fancied after Perrie.

"She isn't the one for you. She's a slut, just like Styles said-"

"She isn't a slut!" I interjected loudly, heads turned my way, I gave them look of an apology.

"-and when Styles calls a girl a slut he likes her." Waliyha finished.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Styles likes her Zayn. You've been oblivious to the fact that he does. Don't you see the way he gets quiet and a little snappy whenever you talk to him about her? About all the cool things you guys do together and how much fun she is? I mean come on," She exaggerated, having staggered laughter, "It's like you rub it in his face like 'haha I got the girl and you didn't'!"

"He doesn't like her!" Minute by minute I felt myself getting angry at my sister's words.

"Face it Zayn," Waliyha rolled to her side where I couldn't see her face but could clearly hear her words, "You're only getting mad because I speak the truth." And off to sleep she went.

Agitated I looked at my phone, clicking on the messaging icon; I looked at Styles name thinking; did he really like her? I could never tell, he was always cool with who I dated. Why didn't he tell me? He knew I would've never started talking to her? Where they hanging out with each other now?

I slumped down in my chair, "This is going to be a very long weekend." Indeed it will be.

*Styles' POV*

I sat tense in the driver's seat at a red light, frantically looking in between sleeping Dani and now finally her dormant phone. Zayn had called her 12 times in a row; it annoyed me so much I grabbed her phone out from between her legs and threw it in the back.

"How the hell did he even get her number?" I mumbled, my jealousy for Zayn bubbling over its edges. It irked me whenever he would talk about her to me; 'Styles you wouldn't believe what me and Dani did today!' Or 'I'm taking Dani to the movies!' Or any other bullshit.

Acting out crazy I told her, "He doesn't deserve you," I glanced over at her, tangled curls covered her face, her breathing slow and steady, "But neither do I."

The light turned green, signaling for me to take the time to turn left. Honestly, I never know what I'm doing when around Dani; she thinks I'M driving HER insane. I barked out a single laugh, look what I'm doing now, I'm literally been driven insane to even do this; take my best friend's girl out for weekend getaway.

Technically, my conscience chided, they aren't dating, they've only been seeing each other for a week and he hasn't popped the question; you still have a chance.

I rolled my eyes while flipping off a driver that almost clipped us. A sick feeling had come over me after Dani had fell asleep crying, tear stains on her cheeks. I didn't want her to cry, I didn't want to be the reason for her crying but she made me so angry and so happy at the same time I couldn't begin to explain to myself how or why. I also had a bad feeling Zayn would find about me soon. I didn't want some girl to come between us, but Dani wasn't just any other girl. There was something odd familiar about her. What made her so familiar to me, I have no clue, I just know I want her apart of my life as long as forever will be.

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