imagine request

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hey guys, i just wanted to let you guys know that i have opened up the imagine request line again.

it's been so long since i have written a personal imagine for others and i was thinking that would be cool to do again and what not lol.

if you want one all you have to do is :
1.) comment your name down below
2.) the boy or boy(s) you want
3.) theme (romantic, dirty, etc.)

i'm updating devin's part for the cheating series today and after that i will start on the imagines.

but be mindful this is for limited time only, the dead line is tonight at 12.
this may be my last author note for awhile :)

»» alsoo once i start look at the comments i will pick the ones first who i see all the time in my notifications and after i do theirs, i will start on the others :)
(remember limited time)

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