chapter III ♛ Cadreal

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Chapter III Cadreal

"Father, I believe I've found a suitable wife".

"And who is she?"

"This princess of the Isles, she's simple, but very beautiful" I said, looking towards my father for advise.

"Ah yes, but I've heard much about her fiery personality, are you sure she will fit here in the kingdom?"

"That is unimportant, I will make her fit in" I replied.

"A fiery tempered girl with probably little to no fighting experience in this kingdom?"

"She will fit in Father, now I must go. Training waits for no man"

»» ♛ ««

"Sir, I have some important news regarding your princess" yelled the Royal informer as he ran into the training room where I was sparring with one of the Knights-in-training.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?" I forcefully bit out.

"Y-yes, s-sir I apologize b-but——"

"But what? What could be so important?"

"The other Prince Cadreal, Cadreal of the---"

"I am aware of who you speak of. What of him?"

"He-He....He has become smitten with the princess you've set your eyes on" replied the informer. I could feel the fury engulf my body.

"That bastard! How dare he even attempt to steal yet another thing of mine! Oh he will pay, when is the ball? I assure you, this time, he won't win. He won't get her."

»» ♛ ««

It was the day before the ball. I had everything planned out. I would meet the girl, woo her, ask her to marry me, and Cadreal will have lost. Simple plan, but the girl looked simple enough to go through with it. She couldn't be very intelligent not provide much of a fight, she was a simple islander, nothing too special. Yet somehow, I was attracted to her for an odd reason. Most likely, it was because I wanted to beat Cadreal, to take what he had wanted most.

Cadreal had stolen too much from me, everyone believed him to be the exact opposite of what he was, but I knew him in the exact same way I knew the back of my hand. We were brothers once.

But that was before his father betrayed mine, before he betrayed me, before our kingdoms became rivals.

"Son, your suit has arrived, are you sure you want to go all ebony? I believe the look will only inflate the gossip and rumors" said my father as he entered my room, the poor man was getting old, and once I had my queen here at the castle, he would leave for retirement. He was a good king, one of the best, and I had no idea how I would ever fit into his crown, I doubted I coul ever be half the king he is.

"If the princess is to believe those rumors, that'll be her problem. Plus, mother always said the darker the color, the more my eyes pop out, and you and I both know the maidens love my hazel eyes" I said, giving my father a smirk as he grinned.

"That's my boy. I have spoken to King Gervanium of the Isles" he says, "and he believes that our presence will be of the utmost surprise and we are welcome to the ball, though he apologizes for the short notice"

"Pft, he might as well have said that our arrival is intimidating to the other kingdoms and we were not wanted" I replied, rolling my eyes as I polished my sword.

"Well yes, but King Gervanium is an honorable man, I'm sure he only wanted to make sure trouble didn't occur at his princess's ball since our rival kingdom is also attending" said my father with a hint of malice at the end.

"Now now father, hold your temper. Wouldn't want King Gervanium to take back his invitation, now do we?" I asked in a joking manner.

"Of course not, my son. I shall see you tomorrow, I must get a good nights sleep if I am to tolerate our rivals" he said as he retreated from my room.

"Goodnight father"

"Goodnight son"

»» ♛ ««

"So, tell me Cadreal, how did you manage to fight off the dragon on your own?" asked the ditzy redhead on my left.

"Oh yeah! Tell us, oh tell us please! Did you use your strong, muscular arms to fight it off?" asked the brunette on my right.

"Now now, darlings, it takes much more than--" I said, but was interrupted as trumpets sounded and a short, pudgy man announced,

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Now introducing, her royal highness, Princess Malea Evermore of the Isles!".

I watched as a petite brunette with wavy hair carelessly opened the two ginormous doors of the ball room. I expected a beautiful maiden with the finest a of gowns, a flawless complexion, a dainty figure, and enough grace and elegance to outshine any maiden in the entire universe.

Instead, I revived a wavy haired brunette with twigs in her hair, who had muscle on her arms and legs, wore trousers and a t-shirt, has faint scar on her forehead and her arm, had a mischievous look to her eyes, and swore.

"Oh shit" she whispered under her breath, well, I think that's what she said, I was busy staring at her full lips, and those are the words they seemed to say. The beautiful husky next to her whined and covered it's face with its laws as the princess's cheeks tinged pink and she smiled widely with her pearly whites

"Gods bless, I can't believe she calls herself a princess. Just look at what she's wearing"

"And her hair, is she expecting a few birds to go live in it?"

"I--" she started, but then changed tactics as she looked around the ball room at all her guests like a practiced speech-giver.

"My dear guests, I sincerely apologize for my appearance, it seems as if I have gotten the days confused. It happens to many of us. Now, you all should enjoy the party while I freshen up, I can assure you, I won't be the only entertainment of the night, I hope you all enjoy yourselves. I shall return in a much more presentable state in order to greet you all properly!" she announced before exiting. I scrunched my eyebrows. Was this truly the princess Cadreal wanted? She was more of a peasant than a princess. But that was of the least importance, he wanted her, so I had to have her.

                               »» ♛ ««

what Prince is this? who should Malea be with? Hope you like this short-story so far!

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