Judaism and Holocaust deniers.

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A/N: Sorry it has taken a while for me to get back to this story, but I have been busy with school. Now that school is out, I can focus on Wattpad.

Ok, so let's get this started.

Judaism in one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions (religions that have only 1 god) and was founded by Abraham, who was from Canaan (modern day Israel) His descendants became the Jewish people.

I won't talk about the exact timeline of Judaism in this part, (look up timeline of Judaism) But, I want to talk about the Holocaust, ( also known as the Shoah, or the catastrophe)

I recently met a Holocaust denier at a school field trip not to long ago. Yes, I know most kids and teens don't know all that much about the Holocaust, but this 8th grader I met did. I'm not sure why he denied the Holocaust, but he did.

When it comes to Holocaust deniers, I am kinda stuck in the middle. Yes, I do think denying the Holocaust is pretty dumb, but some people are stuck in their beliefs and won't let go of them, even if they are wrong, and forcing them not to is, in my opinion, oppression of some sort. 

 As of 2016, 19 countries, which are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic (aka Czechia in english) France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland, have some form of law banning denial of the Holocaust or denying genocide in general. Several of these countries ban forms of Nazism. While researching this topic, I found out that 4 of those countries, which were Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Romania, were key perpetrators of the Holocaust (Ironic, isn't it?) In addition, many other countries have broader laws criminalizing genocide denial.

In my home country, the United States, laws banning Holocaust denial have been proposed, but never passed. This nails the issue of free speech really hard. Yes, denying the Holocaust is expressing your rights of free speech, but, then again, the Holocaust was the deadliest genocide in history, with the lowest estimate at 5.5 million and the highest estimate at 11 million! If you are confused, don't worry. I was too.

Next up, ISIL and Islam

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